The News Agency “24.kg

(www.24.kg) is a new project on mass media market of Kyrgyzstan. The agency “24.kg” was registered at the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic on February 22, 2006 under the registration number 54748-3301-000.

Our purpose is to provide a wide spectrum of informational services to state, corporate, and private structures.

NA “24.kg”:

-cooperates with leading industrial and financial structures of Kyrgyzstan, local and central state bodies;

-holds an extended correspondence network across the country;

-daily distributes up to date social and political information (www.24.kg) through the channels of electronic and tone communication;

-supplies information to its subscribers both in Kyrgyzstan and other Central Asian countries;

-owns the official website (www.24.kg) with on-line news posting as well as inquiry materials and unique archival data on the republic, and on Central Asia in the future.

Informational products of the agency are used by printed publishing and electronic mass media of Kyrgyzstan.

The creative team of “24.kg” consists of both experienced professionals and young journalists taking their first steps in journalism.

The basic principle of our work is collecting and reporting honest, objective, operative, and interesting information.

We focus our reporting on monitoring social, political, and economic situation on regional and national levels. Particularly we analyze relations between the authorities and the society; study basic factors that affect the national security; and rate popularity of the most active politicians and businessmen that affect the country.

We are glad to inform that “24.kg” News Agency has a press center - a conference hall with simultaneous translation equipment. In our agency you will have an opportunity to promptly prepare and e-mail materials using a free access to Internet services in our press-bar.

60 Isanov St.
Kyrgyzstan 720001

To contact us:
+996(312)66-01-88 – reception desk
+996(312)66-40-61 – advertising and PR
+996(312)66-04-20 – journalists
+996(312)66-39-71 – fax


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