Belga covers all national and international news, 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year. News content is supplied in text, pictures, audio and video formats.
Belga covers all aspects of life and current affairs: politics and economics, finance and social affairs, sports, culture and personalities.

The Belga news feed are firstly distributed to the 'traditional media'- daily press, radio and television-. Furthermore, the government and the companies are also to register as clients, as well as internet sites and new online applications. The latter are of a growing importance among our customers.

The Belga news feed are not only intended for the Belgian market, but are also distributed worldwide thanks to the different international agreements signed with the biggest foreign news agencies.

The Belga label provides clients with a quality product based on reliability, and speed. Any form of outside pressure is resolutely rejected. These principles are jealously guarded by an enthusiastic and committed staff.

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