Central Afrca Republic Flag flagsoftheworld
The Flag of Central African Republic is a spectacular blend of the yellow, green, red white and blue colors. There is a yellow colored star at the upper left corner of the flag which represents the aspiration of a vibrant future. The colors in Flag of Central African Republic depict the pan African spirit. The red vertical strip which divides the flag into two halves, symbolizes the ĂŽblood of humanity'. The horizontal bands of white, blue and red are the three colors of French flag as France was once the colonizer of Central African Republic . It was since the last month of 1958 that the flag of Central African Republic was officially hoisted.

Official Name: Republique Centrafricaine.

Capital: Bangui

Location : In central Africa landlocked by Chad Cameroon Zaire the Congo and the Sudan.

Area: 622, 984 Sq. km .

Official Language: French

National Flag: Four horizontal stripes of blue white green yellow over all in the center of a vertical red stripe and in the canton a yellow star.

Flag Ratio: 3:5

National Anthem: La Renaissance The Revival 1960.
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