About is the OPEN SOURCE INFORMATION - daily news site of weekly The FINANCIAL, English-language newspaper with offices in Tbilisi , Georgia and Kiev , Ukraine . It allows readers and media representatives copy and distribute news free of charge, but indicating original source. It also allows the companies worldwide to submit their news free.

Owned by Intelligence Group LLC, is focused on opinion leaders and top business decision-makers; It's about worldÌs largest companies, investing, careers, and small business. Main audience is located in Ukraine and Georgia. Zviad Pochkhua , President of Independent Association of Georgian Journalists (member of IFJ ) holds the position of the Editor-in-Chief. generates revenue from selling ad space on its site.

(finchannel) FINANCIAL is registered trade mark of Intelligence Group ltd in Georgia and Ukraine . Trade mark registration by Sakpatenti (Registration date: October 24, 2007) Registration N: 85764 Trade mark registration by Ukrainian State Register body (Registration date: November 14, 2007)


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"The site appeals to a heavily male, more affluent audience"


Our focus has been a quite defined segment: people holding top positions at leading Georgian and international companies and investing thousands of dollars for good causes. The FINANCIAL is a newspaper of choice among bankers, investors and financial consultants.

Viewing by Audience

Finance: FINANCIAL readers know the value of MONEY. Many of them are powerful finance professionals, who manage big budgets and priceless portfolios.

FINANCIAL is a newspaper of nearly 75 % of top financial decision-makers in Georgia.

It reaches more CEOÌs than all Georgian newspapers combined.

Luxury: FINANCIAL readers own more luxurious cars than readers of other newspapers in Georgia. 80 % of The FINANCIAL readers spend their vacation at five star hotels and restaurants.

IT: 90% of the FINANCIAL readers make IT purchasing decisions spending around USD 400 000 on IT and telecoms.

Travelers and foreigners: FINANCIAL readers are the most frequent air travelers in Georgia.

70% of FINANCIAL readers who are senior business people travel first or business class.

Employment: FINANCIAL is the most demanded newspaper in leading business schools of Georgia.

It speaks the language of 80 % of English language speakers seeking position in leading companies.

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Lali Javakhia, Head of Marketing Department
Mobile: +995 77 74 17 00

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