Financial Mirror
Financial Mirror
About Us is the most popular business news site in and about Cyprus, with website traffic reaching more than 5,000 unique visitors a day and 155,000 visits average per month (June 2008 stats).

It has been developed and is maintained by the Financial Mirror team that produces the leading English-language business publication since it was established as a weekly newspaper in 1993. It currently includes a Greek-language supplement and the daily content of both are posted on the website. Both are available free of charge as view-only, or to paying subscribers in PDF format.

The Financial Mirror team also produces the Xpress-OIKONOMIKH Greek-language daily e-paper in PDF format, a daily and weekly e-Newsletter to all website subscribers (transmitted daily or every Friday, at 16.00 local time), the Asfalizomenos quarterly magazine and website for the insurance industry, and the technology news website under contract for the islandÌs main telecom provider, CYTA.

As of July 2008, the Financial Mirror team has produced a daily Greek-language televised financial bulletin transmitted from the websiteÌs main page and maintained on the FinancialMirror.TV dedicated site.

A vacancies section, posting executive and management jobs from leading recruitment agencies, is available at .
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