Georgian National Airlines
Welcome to our website. We tried our best to give all the necessary information about our company.
The main aim of our company is safety and comfort of passengers.

Our travel agency will help you to make the right choice- to fly during the best time with the help of best airline. While entering our airplane, you will feel sky high while enjoying the services and comfort.

Comfortable sits, well dressed flight attendants, smiley faces, Georgian wine, tasty cuisine, cleanness, and experienced pilots are waiting for you on board.

George Kodua, president of the company states: "I have two families, one at home and another one is aviation".

So, George Kodua is inviting you to his house which is: "Georgian National Airlines".

You are the guests and we are your hosts.

Thank you for finding time to see a service package prepared by Georgian National Airlines.

National Airlines welcomes you and reminds you that GNA is the first among the airline companies who has a high level, safe and luxury aircrafts. Our airplanes will make the flights to CIS and Europe soon.

GNAÌs goal is to uphold flight security norms and provide customers with comfort. GNAÌs team satisfies all requirements. You will know it after becoming our passenger.

GNA supports a healthy competition. ItÌs true that competition has its own difficulty, but all the norms will be protected from our side to create free competition in GeorgiaÌs airline market. Thus we want to ensure the healthy competition will assist the development of Georgian navigation and satisfy the interests of our passangers.

In 2006 GNA carried out the program to change old Soviet airplanes to the new Western CRJ 200[Canada] type aircrafts. Our technical personnel had trainings based on the new standards. This program had a positive impact on the image of our company and increased the number of passengers.

Georgian National Airlines will be oriented on corporative clients where both sidesÌ interests are considered. This partnership will be oriented on long-term and reliable partnership. Qualified agents will help the partner companies.

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