News Agency of the Slovak Republik
News Agency of the Slovak Republik
Who We Are and Where You Can Find Us

The News Agency of the Slovak Republic – SLOVAKIA is a news information agency, established according to Act 81/1992 on January 30, 1992. It uses the abbreviation TASR-SLOVAKIA.
TASR´s main tasks are to gather, compile, store and provide various information on events taking place in Slovakia and abroad that meet the requirements of objectivity, reliability and rapid access, in accordance with Act 81/1996 (the statute on the periodic press and other mass media).
The agency´s headquarters are located at 25, Pribinova street, Bratislava.

TASR´s Legal and Commercial Status

TASR is a partially state-funded organisation that is registered in the Commercial Register of Bratislava I District Court. Several individual chapters of the state budget are devoted to the agency. The general director, who is appointed by the Slovak government, is responsible for its activities.

The current General Director of TASR is PhDr. Jaroslav Rezník
contact: telephone + 421 2/59 210 401, fax: + 421 2/529 63 405, e-mail:

Zimná sezóna 2008/09

Slovensko patrí do top skupiny dobrodružných lokalít sveta v kategórii rozvíjajúcich sa destinácií cestovného ruchu. Túto informáciu prinieslo novembrové èíslo amerického èasopisu o cestovaní a cestovnom ruchu Travel Weekly. Sme na prahu zimnej - lyžiarskej sezóny. Hrajú slovenské lyžiarske strediská na istotu alebo aj pobyt na svahoch je skôr dobrodružstvom? Novinky lyžiarskych stredísk, ale i alternatívne programy pre nelyžiarov sú súèasou tohtotýždòovej témy TASR.

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