Turkey Study & Guide - AllRefer
* Country Profile
o Country
o Geography
o Society
o Economy
o Transportation and Telecommunications
o Government and Politics
o National Security
* Introduction
* Section > Historical Setting
o Ancient Anatolia
+ Hittites
+ Phrygians and Lydians
+ Armenians and Kurds
+ Greeks
o Rome and the Byzantine Empire
o Turkish Origins
+ Great Seljuks
+ Sultanate of Rum
+ The Crusades
o The Ottoman Empire
+ Ottoman Institutions
+ Selim I and S�leyman the Magnificent
+ K�pr�l� Era
+ External Threats and Internal Transformations
+ The Young Turks
+ World War I
o Atat�rk and the Turkish Nation
+ Plans for Partitioning Turkey
+ Nationalist Movement
+ War of Independence
+ Atat�rk's Reforms
+ Foreign Policy
o Table A. Chronology of Major Kemalist Reforms
o Turkey after Atat�rk
+ World War II
+ Multiparty Politics, 1946-60
+ The Armed Forces Coup and Interim Rule, 1960-61
+ Politics and Foreign Relations in the 1960s
o Crisis in Turkish Democracy
+ Politics and Elections in the 1970s
+ Conflict and Diplomacy: Cyprus and Beyond
+ The Economy: An Unresolved Issue
+ Challenges to Public Order
o Military Intervention and the Return to Civilian Rule
+ Military Interlude
+ Politics and the Return to Civilian Rule
+ Economic Stabilization and Prospects for the 1990s
* Section > The Society and Its Environment
o Geography
+ External Boundaries
+ Geology
+ Landform Regions
# Black Sea Region
# Aegean Region
# Mediterranean Region
# Pontus and Taurus Mountains
# Anatolian Plateau
# Eastern Highlands
# Arabian Platform
+ Climate
o Population
+ Population Density, Distribution, and Settlement
+ Migration
+ Government Population Policies
o Language Reform: From Ottoman to Turkish
o Linguistic and Ethnic Groups
+ Turks
+ Kurds
+ Arabs
+ Peoples from the Caucasus
+ D�nme
+ Greeks
+ Armenians
+ Jews
o Religious Life
+ Islam
# Tenets of Islam
# Early Development
# Development of Islam in Turkey
# Sufism and Folk Islam
# The Alevi
+ Secularist Policies
+ Retreat from Secularism
+ Non-Muslim Minorities
o Structure of Society
+ The Changing National Elite
+ Urban Life
+ Towns
+ Village Life
# Anatolian Villages
# Coastal Villages
# Villages in the South and East
o The Individual, the Family, and Gender Relations
+ Marriage
+ The Extended Family
+ Gender Relations
+ The Status of Women
o Education
o Health and Welfare
* Section > The Economy
o Growth and Structure of the Economy
+ Economic Development
+ Reforms under �zal
+ Economic Performance in the Early 1990s
+ Structure of the Economy
o Human Resources and Trade Unions
o Role of Government in the Economy
+ Liberal Interlude
+ Etatism
+ State Economic Enterprises and Privatization
+ Development Planning
+ Budget
o Agriculture
+ Agricultural Policy
+ Irrigation
+ Land Use
+ Land Tenure
+ Cropping Patterns and Production
+ Livestock
+ Forestry and Fisheries
o Industry
+ Industrial Policy
+ Energy
+ Mineral Resources
+ Manufacturing
+ Construction
o Services
+ Banking and Finance
+ Transportation and Telecommunications
+ Tourism
o Foreign Economic Relations
+ Foreign Trade
+ Balance of Payments
+ Regional Economic Integration
o Outlook
* Section > Government and Politics
o The Constitutional System
+ Provisions of the 1982 Constitution
+ Electoral System
o Government
+ National Assembly
+ President, Council of Ministers, and Prime Minister
+ Judiciary
+ Provincial and Local Government
+ Civil Service
o Political Dynamics
+ Political Developments since the 1980 Coup
+ Political Parties
# True Path Party
# Social Democratic Populist Party
# Motherland Party
# Welfare Party
# Democratic Left Party
# Other Parties
+ Political Interest Groups
# Military
# Universities
# Labor
# Business
# Religious Interests
# Minorities
o Mass Media
+ Newspapers and Periodicals
+ Radio and Television
o Foreign Relations
+ Dissolution of the Soviet Union
+ The Middle East
+ European Union
+ The United States
* Section > National Security
o Historical Role of the Armed Forces
o The Armed Forces and Society
o Politics and the Military
o External Security Concerns
+ Middle Eastern Conflicts
+ Syria
+ Iran
+ The Balkans
+ Greece and Cyprus
o Turkey's Participation in NATO
o Armed Forces
+ Defense Spending
+ Sources and Quality of Personnel
+ Education and Training
+ Conditions of Service
+ Army
+ Air Force
+ Navy
+ Uniforms, Ranks, and Insignia
o Military Cooperation with the United States
o Domestic Arms Industry
o Internal Security Concerns
+ Kurdish Separatists
+ Terrorism of the Left
+ Armenian Terrorism
+ Islamists
o Police System
+ National Police
+ Gendarmerie
+ Intelligence Services
o Crime and Punishment
+ Procedures in Criminal Law
+ Incidence of Crime
+ Narcotics Trafficking
+ Individual Rights
+ Penal System
* Appendix. Tables
* Appendix B.
* Glossary
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