United Australian Lebanese Movement
United Australian Lebanese Movement
Who are we as the UALM?

We believe that only citizens who are loyal to their adopted homeland of Australia can be true to their country of origin.

The UALM pursues and encourages Australian Lebanese to serve Australia to the best of their ability and on all levels of the spectrum. Australia's interests, security and prosperity are installed as the UALM's main priorities, and will always remain so. The UALM believes that its objectives, particularly toward freeing Lebanon, do not contradict in any shape or form Australian dedication for human rights, freedom, justice and true democracy.

The UALM seeks to promote mutual respect and debate within the Australian Lebanese community in order to clarify its needs and concerns on all domestic and overseas issues and to reconcile and harmonize those needs with Australia's national interests. It seeks to promote the success of the Australian Lebanese community through close cooperation with the political, social, cultural, commercial and media institutions of Australian society and to provide the Australian Lebanese community with every opportunity to contribute toward and participate in the advancement of Australia. The UALM emphasises the unity of the Australian Lebanese community, in dealing with all issues which concern it in connection with Australia and Lebanon. It seeks to promote strong links between Australia and Lebanon, and to enrich Australia's culture with the Lebanese community's heritage and traditions, while at the same time acknowledging the gratitude of the Lebanese community for freedom, stability and prosperity which Australia has provided.

The UALM enjoys tremendous community support of which it appreciates and considers as its strength. This valuable support is a sign of most Australian Lebanese undiminished belief in those objectives we share as lovers of freedom, truth, a more prosperous Australia and a free independent Lebanon.

Since the early nineties the UALM has dedicated its efforts to effectively participate in progressing Australia, for it believes that only a citizen who is loyal to his adopted country could be true to his native one. It is obvious that the freedom, stability and prosperity Australian Lebanese do relish in Australia has had a tremendous impact on the UALM's members' resolve and constant strive toward a free, sovereign and independent Lebanon. The UALM is clearly committed to restore a legitimate democracy in Lebanon comparable to the one experienced in Australia where politicians actually campaign and work for their nation's interests.

Aims and Objectives

The UALM aims to :

Foster the unity of the Australian Lebanese community, strive for the fulfilment of its aspirations and ensure the continuity and development of its historical, cultural and social heritage and traditions.

Encourage and assist the creative development of the social and cultural life of the Lebanese community in Australia.

Promote understanding and goodwill the Australian Lebanese community and the wider Australian community.

participate effectively in progressing and advancing Australia, politically, socially and economically.

coordinate on Lebanon's issues with the leadership authority headed by General Michel Aoun

The UALM is and will always be an integral part of the world wide movement aiming to free Lebanon. This world wide movement is known in Lebanon as ' Al tayar al watany al hor' which translates into ' The Free Patriotic Movement' led by General Michel Aoun who is in exile in Paris - France since 1991.

The Leader

General Aoun's style of leadership has been so novel and refreshing in the corrupt Lebanese body politic, and seem to satisfy a profound yearning in the hearts of the majority of Lebanese of all political and religious stripes, that it was sufficient to ensure the men a strong and expending popularity which remarkably survived his political and military misfortunes. So much so that the patriotism and honesty which General Aoun is perceived as personifying have over time, especially since his exile in France, assumed near-mythic proportions. Thus it remains factually correct to say that the overall popularity of General Aoun, and the appeal of what he stood for and stands for are today for the most part undimmed.

Who are we? As the Free Patriotic Movement of Lebanon

1) We are not a movement linked or tied to a person;
2) We are not a leftist nor a rightist movement;
3) We are not a sectarian movement;
4) We are not an extremist opposition party.

1) We are not a movement linked or tied to a person:
We are a popular movement not linked to general Michel Aoun in the traditional manner. Our link or commitment to the general is based on the issues voiced and personified by Aoun, and they reflect our hopes for freedom and dignity.

2) We are not a leftist nor a rightist movement:
We are a movement that transcends the ideologies of the left or the right, and so we are open to all ideas where we choose the best. The movement stresses that there is no limit to our aspirations for a modern, strong on pioneering Lebanon; and anyone with the same goals has the support of the movement. The current is a 'human individual' movement that is supported by the oppressed. So, the current aims for the removal of all visible and hidden forms of oppression and strives to provide for the dignity of the individual.

3) We are not a sectarian movement:
We are a patriotic movement that does not accept the strengthening of the Christian at the expense of the Moslem; nor the overpowering of the Christian by the Moslem. Everyone is a Lebanese citizen, equal in rights and duties with no exceptions.

4) We are not an extremist opposition party:
We are a patriotic, non chauvinistic movement that believes in the brotherhood of man and the just exchange between the nations of the benefits that alone can lead to a comprehensive and permanent peace.
The movement has repeatedly emphasised its non aggressive stance toward Syria, but the 'official' Syria still insists on treating us as enemies. Our Stance is not against Syria because it is Syria, but because we are against any 'colonialist' influence over Lebanon. The movement stresses that our measure of acceptance for others is their commitment to freedom and human rights. The relation between states is special only if it is between official that are equal and their dialogue honest under the banner of freedom, with full respects for national rights, interests and identity.

The movement emphasis on sovereignty is due to its many implications, especially for human rights and freedom. However, the movement gives the justice issue equal importance as the freedom issue. Both issues are mutually important.

The identity of the movement

we are a popular movement with members from all factions, sects and regions. We demand for a one people in a unified Lebanon. Lebanon is for the Lebanese and the Lebanese issue precedes all other issues.

We accept and encourage the intellectual and personal issues that are against the independence of the Lebanese decision. We also oppose individual, local, clannish or sectarian loyalties; but believe in complete loyalty to Lebanon.

We also believe we represent the views present 'outside the movement'.

We believe that position of responsibility must be given to qualified persons with clear national loyalty.

We are a movement that strives to remove intellectual mockery.

We are a resistant movement with freedom as its main priority.

We are a movement for the freedom of the Lebanese citizen above everything else, so that fear and the submission mentality to all non progressives is removed.

We do not aim to only change the rulers, but also to remove all the opportunists and the domineering from all the institutions.

We are a 'human' movement that considers every person has the unalienable right to live and increase his strength in freedom.

Constitution of the Activist

To be optimistic in life

To be an activist who realises that action is not necessarily based on strength but also on intellect.

To enjoy challenges

To be continually seeking knowledge beyond their education or specialty

To be totally committed, realising their duties and responsibilities

To be socially and politically savvy

To be the conscience of their people

To have their private and public behaviour reflect their words, ideas and principles

To be always ready to learn and correct their mistakes; to be critical of themselves

To 'know their self'

To be logical and realistic in all their outlooks

To reject the 'mine' and 'your' attitudes and see things from an 'our' perspective

To realise that big objectives are made of small actions

To strive to be a representation of the best Lebanese and a reflection of their culture

What it means to be a Political Activist

A 'political' activist is someone who is caught in a struggle

The activist is someone who feels connected to their land and people

An activist lives in the heroic where selfishness disappears, and they constantly rise after every fall

An activist dedicates and sacrifices self for the cause. Thus, willingly live the cause and are not forced to be involved

An activist is mature and strives for knowledge

The activist feels for the people:

- considers them above other considerations

- works to lift oppression, and provide opportunities for everybody for freedom, knowledge and happiness

- strives to emphasise the 'human' issues, and

- considers the world as one entity made up of equal parts

A real activist

- is above the selfishness

- lives sacrificially and cooperatively with others

- asks of himself more than of others

An activist has civility, objectivity, the scientific method, a critical self, planning and organisation

The objective of the movement of the long term is not to make a 'political activist', rather a human being. Therefore, the beginning of change starts from within, and we ask the person to improve their personal and moral attributes.

Our commitments

We are committed to:

The truth

Free the person intellectually, economically, politically and socially

The values; for the real activist is committed to restoring the dignity of the person

Actions, to make our life a reflection of our commitments

Words, that voice our thoughts

Independence, so not to compromise oneself

A sovereign Lebanon with no occupation

The land

The culture

Social change aiming for an open and educated society

The future

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