
Country Codes and International Resources
Cell Phones Georgia


Magticom Georgia

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Brief Information and History Print Version Our aim is to give you as much comfort as possible, to act as a guarantor of your security and your link to your love, friends or business partners. READ MORE

Geocell Georgia

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Forget loneliness! Your network- Geocell! Perfection of services - a true way to maximize comfort of customers, that is a simple truth motivating all Geocell activates from the very be READ MORE

MegaCom Georgia

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MegaCom Limited, the first cellular company in Georgia, was founded in 1993. Initially there were an American and several Georgian companies plus a private entity among its founders. Sin READ MORE
Cell phones in Georgia are rapidly overtaking land phones as many cellular phones now provide Internet access and cell phone computers. SMS, MMS and broadband are becoming standard features on cell phones. Shopping for cell phone deals, the best broadband and cell phone service will save you money and help increase your productivity.
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