Aerovais DAP

AEROVIAS DAP is an airway with more than 27 years of experience operating in the southernmost region of the world, joining by air the Chilean / Argentinean Patagonia. All flights are done under strict safety rules, the pilots as well as the maintenance staff are subjected to rigorous exams certified by the Direcci€n de Aeron?utica Civil de Chile.

Our pilots have an expertise of more than 10.000 flying hours average. These pilots are the worldÌs most experienced in Antarctic civilian flights. Meanwhile, our Helicopter Department has completed more than 60.000 Off Ò Shore flying hours. All this expertise plus our maintenance staff specialized in 402-C Cessna, Twin Otter, Dash Ò7, Beech craft, Twin Star helicopters and Bolcow helicopters have been our greatest guarantee for more than 27 years of uninterrupted flights.

AEROVIAS DAP, was the first airline in performing regular commercial flights to the Antarctic in 1987. On the other hand, DAP was also the first airline in restarting commercial flights to the Falkland/Malvinas Islands after the war in 1990.

In opinion of Mr. R.E. Davies, who serves as Curator of Air Transport at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington D. C. ÏAEROVIAS DAP offers some of the most exotic and interesting routes in the worldÓ.

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