Airports in Chile -
Airports in Chile
ChileÌs Santiago International Airport receives airlines from many world destinations and it is the countryÌs premier airport. Some of world airlines including British Airways, Emirates Airlines, Lufthansa Airlines and other domestic Chilean airlines flies in and out of Santiago Airport.
Please find all the major airports in Chile with their airport codes in the table below. You will be able to find live flight arrivals, flight departures, flight timetable, airlines information, airport hotels, airport taxi services, airport public transport and airport parking by selectimg an individual airport.
Airports in Chile
Code Airport Name
SCL Arturo Merino Benitez Airport
TOQ Barriles Airport
ZOS Canal Balo Airport
CCP Carriel Sur Airport
IQQ Cavancha Airport
ANF Cerro Moreno Airport
ARI Chacalluta Airport
WCH Chaiten Airport
CPO Chamonate Airport
CNR Chanaral Airport
CCH Chile Chico Airport
YAI Chillan Airport
LGR Cochrane Airport
CJC El Loa Airport
ESR El Salvador Airport
FRT Frutillar Airport
FFU Futaleufu Airport
WCA Gamboa Airport
LSC La Florida Airport
LOB Los Andes Airport
LSQ Los Angeles Airport
ZCO Maquehue Airport
IPC Mataveri Intl Airport
OVL Ovalle Airport
ZPC Pucon Airport
WPA Puerto Aisen Airport
PUX Puerto Varas Airport
WPU Puerto Williams Airport
TLX Talca Airport
TTC Taltal Airport
VAP Valparaiso Airport
ZIC Victoria Airport
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