Antigua Public Utilites Authorities
Antigua Public Utilities Authority
The Antigua Public Utilities Authority is a tripartite government statutory agency set up under the Public Utilities Act No. 10 of 1973 (and subsequently as amended) to ensure that consumers receive the best possible value in Telecommunications (including PCS), Electricity and Water services. Policy formulation and introduction of legislation as required to successfully fulfill APUA's mission comes from the Minister of Public Utilities, who is a member of the Cabinet of Antigua & Barbuda. The day-to-day operation of the organization is vested by the General Manager, who is assisted by a Management Team.
APUA has under its responsibility the Electricity Generation Division, the Electricity Transmission & Distribution Division, Head Office Division (Finance & Accounts, Human Resources, and Public Relations), Management Information Systems Division, Personal Communications Services (PCS) Division, Telephone Division, and the Water Division. It is the responsibility of APUA to ensure that services offered by various divisions falling under its purview are delivered in the best interest of the public.
Mission Statement
ÏOur Organization, The Antigua Public Utilities Authority, exists to provide electricity, telecommunications and water services. Through effective management, teamwork and dedication, we will deliver services of the highest quality in a timely manner. We will also nurture the economic, environmental and social well-being of the nation now and in the future.Ó
Vision Statement
ÏAntigua Public Utilities Authority is the best Ò a company with a knowledgeable and disciplined workforce, highly sensitive and responsive to the needs of customers, and delivering utility service
The Telephone Division of APUA provides a fully automatic digital service to more than 35,000 domestic and business customers. Our penetration rate is 48% or almost one person per home in Antigua & Barbuda is an APUA customer.
With a keen eye to envision future trends, APUA invested heavily in an underground fiber optic network that serves as the backbone of the nation's telecommunications infrastructure. This technology offers resilience to natural or manmade disasters. It also serves as the gateway for easy and reliable access to all the facilities and capabilities of modern telecommunications. The Telephone Division of APUA has ensured that sufficient capacity is available to meet Ïfeatures on demandÓ well into this new century.
We have a very successful investment in equipment and outside line plant, exchange buildings, underground ducts and cabling, costing many millions of dollars.
Telecommunications in Antigua & Barbuda has for some time been ahead of the field both in regard to mobile competition and the very successful local fixed line telephones.
APUA PCS (Cellular Service)
APUA/PCS was the first in the English speaking Caribbean to introduce GSM technology. No wonder APUA/PCS has more than 22,000 customers in four years or more than 25% penetration. Our services are of first world standards, we offer roaming services that are increasing all the time and we have a better penetration percentage than any other wireless service provider in the region.
APUA/PCS is justifiably held in high regard throughout the region as a very successful indigenous Antiguan enterprise and locally there is continuing strong support of this home grown enterprise. APUA/PCS set the local regional mobile industry on its head when we introduced ÏCalling Party PaysÓ as our basic standard resulting in an immeasurable improvement in local productivity not to mention social convenience.
The Water Division of APUA is dedicated to providing, protecting and preserving the nation's water supplies. Through our dedicated staff we supply quality water that complies with all local, regional and international standards.
APUA has been successful in its efforts to combat the crisis of water supply shortage on Antigua by investing in a 2 million gallons per day desalination plant as part of a combined water and electricity project at Crabbs and which was completed and commissioned in 1987. This plant significantly improved the water and electricity situation on Antigua , at one stage producing upwards of 70% of national demands for both water and electricity.
During the 1980's and 1990's, the well fields at Bristol (near Collins) and Roses/Claremont were expanded to help meet the increasing water demands. Other activities by the Water Department involved extensive trenching, laying of pipes, pumps, valves and pipe replacements throughout the islands.
In 1993, APUA contracted with a private producer to supply desalinated water in bulk (approximately 0.5 million gallons per day) to the Authority. This water was produced from a reverse osmosis plant located at Crabbs. The Water Supply of Antigua is a mixture of water obtained from the following sources: Surface water Ò 700,000 gd (under normal conditions when there's no drought), RO Plant Ò 2mgd, Desalt Plant Ò 2mgd and ground water Ò 450,000 gd (under normal conditions).
APUA has taken great strides in meeting the current electricity demands of its population in a bid to improve electricity service and to supply the country's steadily growing population.
APUA owns three power generating facilities, leases one from WIOC and purchases power from a private power producer.
During its lifetime APUA has undertaken two (2) major projects to improve the generation plant capacities.
Combined Power & Desalt Plant, (which was mentioned earlier), capable of producing 19.2 mw of electricity.
Friar's Hill Power Plant Ò 2 Mirrlees units each rated at 6.0 mw when commissioned in 1981 and still in operation.
In 1996 APUA contracted with a Private Power Producer Antigua Power Company (APC), to supply approximately 40% of its generation needs.
The Authority recently extended its contract with APC Ltd., to provide an additional 15 mw of plant. These units will replace older, less efficient generating units nearing the end of their economic life of approximately 20 years.
APUA has also undertaken considerable work on its Transmission and Distribution system.
The 69kv Transmission Line Project provides the transmission capacity necessary to reliably meet load demand well into the future. The Electricity Transmission & Distribution Division also upgraded and redesigned its distribution system to satisfy the loads of the various population centers.
APUA Staff
APUA's strength goes beyond our poles, pipes, wires, plants and computer systems. APUA also is about the 800 plus people who work for the company and the pride they take in serving our customers and our communities.
The Authority has done a lot of growing over the years. The less than half a dozen pickup trucks that served the Authority in 1973 have grown to a fleet of more than 130 vehicles, all of which are serviced and maintained by Vehicle Workshop operating from a modern facility.
We also have implemented sophisticated customer information, meter reading and billing systems, public relations, marketing and other office operations to meet the changing needs of today's residential and business customers.