Bangledesh Law - Library of Congress
People's Republic of Bangladesh
Gana Prajatantri Bangladesh
* Constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh (as modified up to 17th May 2004) (Bangladesh Government) in English
* International Constitutional Law: Bangladesh Index (Universitât Bern Institut f?r ˜ffentliches Recht) background information only
* Government
* Prime Minister's Office
* COURTS: Supreme Court
* OFFICIAL GAZETTE: Bangladesh Gazette
* PARLIAMENT: Bangladesh Jatiyo Sangsad (Legislative Information Center)
* Foreign Private Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act 1980 (Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority)
* Guide to Investment in Bangladesh (Bangladesh Government) Includes general summaries of investments laws and regulations
* Heidelberg Bangladesh Law Translation Project (Heidelberg University, South Asia Institute) includes English translations of selected laws from 1985 to 1995.
* Intellectual Property: Bangladesh (
* NATLEX: Bangladesh (International Labour Organisation) database of national laws on labor, social security and related human rights
* SAARC Law Bangladesh
* GUIDE: Multinational Reference (Law Library of Congress)
* Multinational Collections Database: Bangladesh (Law Library of Congress) provides bibliographic information on materials in our reference collection
* AsianLII: Bangladesh (Asian Legal Information Institute)
* Bangladesh Links: Dispute Resolution and Legal Development (Peacemakers Trust)
* FindLaw: Bangladesh
* ForIntLaw: Bangladesh (Washburn University Law Library)
* Islamic Family Law: Bangladesh (Emory University Law School)
* JURIST: Bangladesh (University of Pittsburgh School of Law)
* World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries: Bangladesh (Germany Bundestag)
* World Legal Information Institute: Bangladesh (WorldLII)
* World Legal Materials from Asia: Bangladesh (Cornell Legal Information Institute)
* Country Study: Bangladesh (Library of Congress) September 1988
* Portals to the World: Bangladesh (Library of Congress)
* Background Notes: Bangladesh (U.S. Dept. of State)
* Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments: Bangladesh (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency)
* Consular Information Sheet: Bangladesh (U.S. Dept. of State)
* Country Information: Bangladesh (U.S. Dept. of State)
* Country Profile of Bangladesh (U.S. Dept. of Labor) from By the Sweat and Toil of Children: The Use of Child Labor in American Imports: A Report to Congress, Vol. I, pp. 27-35; July 15, 1994
* Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade Practices, 1993-2001 (U.S. Dept. of State) see selected reports listed under South Asia
* Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Bangladesh (U.S. Dept. of State)
* Embassy of Bangladesh, Washington
* Governments on the WWW: Bangladesh (Gunnar Anzinger)
* Human Rights in Bangladesh (Amnesty International)
* International Religious Freedom Annual Reports: Bangladesh (U.S. Dept. of State)
* National Library of Bangladesh - information
* NEWS: BBC World South Asia
* Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the UN
* U.S. Embassy, Dhaka (U.S. Dept. of State)
* World Factbook: Bangladesh (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency)
* World Hunger: Bangladesh (World Food Programme)
* WWW DIRECTORIES / PORTALS: Bangladesh (Google);Bangladesh (Yahoo); WWW-VL Asian Studies: Bangladesh (University of Texas, Austin)
