Bhutan Times
Bhutan Times
The Bhutan Times' mission is to provide balanced, independent and real-time news on Bhutan. Its founders are motivated by the existence of endless, unanswered anti-Bhutan propaganda on the internet. Our primary goal is to provide counterbalancing news, information and opinion that will at the least provide a basis for the neutral observer to form his or her own answer to the question:
Is Bhutan a xenophobic, autocratic nation that subscribes to ethnic cleansing (as every Bhutan baiter would have you believe)
Is Bhutan a small, peaceful country of 0.7 million people struggling to survive in a nook of the Indian subcontinent that hosts over 35 million people of Nepalese origin?
Whatever your leanings already are, we would urge you to consider that there always are two sides to every story and that the truth often lies somewhere in between. Don't blindly accept everything you hear just because you hear it from someone you like or because it's the first thing you heard. The wise person always digs a little deeper.
BT has been online since around August 16, 2004, which is when we began compiling statistics using OneStat services. On January 29, 2008 we shifted to Google Analytics. At that time, according to the way we set up OneStat, the statistics were as follows:
Total pageviews: 1.7 million Total visits: 576,000 Total unique visitors: 182,000
The trend now with Google Analytics is as follows:
* Absolute Unique Visitors per month: 14,558
* Unique Visits per months: 59,844
* Pageviews per month: 254,915
* Total Pageviews in 2008: 1,454,000