The Caravan is nearly as old as AUC itself. It is a student-produced community newspaper published by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. Its community mission and function is to:
Ô Regularly deliver news, features, and analysis of interest, significance or utility to readers.
Ô Provide a forum for open and civil discourse on community concerns.
Ô Exercise, develop and refine student journalistic skills and creativity.
Ô Cultivate ethical and professional attitudes and standards in student journalists.
The Caravan is registered Egyptian newspaper that complies fully with Egyptian publication law.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who finances the Caravan?
The newspaper is financed totally by student fees, and its budget is set by the PresidentÌs Office.
Can we publish ads in the Caravan?
No. The publication cannot carry paid advertising. As a result, we are primarily concerned with news and editorial matters.
How can I express my opinions in the Caravan?
The Caravan welcomes letters to the editor responding to published material or commenting on subjects that are of interest to the general community. Only e-mailed letters ( not exceeding 400 words will be accepted. All letters must be signed with the studentÌs name, ID number, major and year.
You may also post comments in response to any piece on our website.
We reserve the right to edit any submission to the Op-Ed section for libel, grammar, punctuation, clarity, and space. The Caravan is under no obligation to print all pieces submitted.
Does the Caravan have a correction policy?
The Caravan welcomes corrections for any of the content on our pages. Please e-mail corrections to Submit your corrections by Tuesday at 3 p.m.
How can I become part of the Caravan?
How can I become part of the Caravan?
Caravan positions are open to any AUC student, undergraduate or graduate, and can be filled by non-journalism majors as well as those within the department. Journalism experience and education is desirable, especially for the managing editor and editor-in-chief positions.
You may register for the JRMC 312 or JRMC 412 if you meet the prerequesite courses to become a Caravan staff member, or you may work as a freelancer.
What should I expect when I talk to a Caravan reporter?
If you are interviewed by a Caravan reporter, you may assume that any information you disclose is subject to publication. You reserve the right to ask the reporter to double-check the information taken from your interview. However, you may not view the article before publication, and you may not ask to see the reporterÌs notes: you may , however ask to approve direct quotes.
If you have more questions, you are welcome to send an e-mail to or to our online editors at or You may also pass by the Caravan newsroom on the Greek Campus, room 023 SS.