Dhivehi Observer
Dhivehi Observer
In November 2003, Dhivehi Observer began publishing in UK as a news and information website promoting freedom, democracy and rule of law in Maldives, an Indian Ocean country spanning the vital oil sea link between East Asia and the Middle East. Maldives also has lucrative tourism and fishing industries, and a small population of less than 350,000. But nearly half its people suffer from malnutrition.
This strategically important country is ruled by a dictator, Maumoon Gayyoom, who has methodically terrorised Maldivians for 27 years. Until recently, his crimes were hidden by clever public relations and international disinterest but now with the Internet, dedicated writers and artists are spreading true information about his crimes. The information can no longer be censored and its truth can be judged and questioned openly.
Dhivehi Observer's main aims are to expose the tyranny of Gayyoom and promote proper democratic institutions in the Republic of Maldives. We have correspondents on every inhabited island in Maldives and maintain an informed circle of international sources.
Dhivehi Observer is not formally affiliated to any political group or party. Some editorial staff have close links with the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) but content decisions are made by DO staff and contributors. The MDP exercises no control.
Staff and Contributors
Manager and Chief Editor - Ahmed Moosa (Sappe') based in UK.
Email: dhivehiobserver@gmail.com
Other staff have requested anonymity due to fear of arrest and torture.
Our work is made possible by contributions from many readers. Please feel free to help us any way you can. You are invited to print out and distribute information from our website.
Maldivians should be aware of the risks involved in helping DO.
Reform organisations and groups are invited to contact us if they wish to help Maldives win its freedom or if they think we can help them without compromising DO's aims.