Discover Dominica
Discover Dominica
About Dominica
Dominica (pronounced Dom-in-eek-a) sits midway along the Eastern Caribbean archipelago, just a few miles from Martinique to the south and Guadeloupe to the north. Its location is 15 degrees North latitude and 61 degrees West longitude.
The island's official name is the Commonwealth of Dominica, which is mostly referenced in official communiqu» and to distinguish the island from its northerly Caribbean sister, the Dominican Republic. The indigenous Carib Indians named the island Waitukubuli which means "tall is her body" in the carib language.
The island is sparsely populated with around 70,000 people inhabiting its 289.5 square miles. A significant portion of the population lives in and around the capital city, Roseau. Dominica is an arcadia of unspoiled nature. Tropical forest coats two thirds of the island, which nourishes 1,200 plant species. Rivers, lakes, streams, and waterfalls abound, fed by the islands high annual rainfall. Its volcanic physique points to extensive geothermal activity above and below sea level.
Our Morne Trois Pitons National Park was the first UNESCO World Heritage Site in the eastern Caribbean.
The island is one of only a couple in the Caribbean still with populations of the pre-Columbian Carib Indians. About 80% of the population is Roman Catholic. English is the official language, spoken with a melodic French lilt, but a large portion of the population speaks KwÀy?l (Creole), with a few northern villages speaking Kokoy.
How to Find Us
Dominica is located in the eastern Caribbean, between the French Islands of Guadeloupe (which lies to the north) and Martinique (which lies to the south).