Dominican Republic Flag flagsoftheworld
The Dominican Republic Flag has a white cross whose edges touch the boundary of the flag in four direction and divides the flag in four equal rectangles. These rectangles are of same color in the opposite and in the hoisting side there are Blue over red and in the flying side there is red over blue color. In the middle of the white cross there is a shield on which is an open Bible and a cross over it. Above the shield the blue ribbon reads God, Fatherland, Republic and at the bottom the red ribbon reads Republica Domionicana .

Official Name: Republic Dominicana

Capital: Santo Domingo

Location: the Eastern part of the island of Haiti (Hispaniola) and offshore islands in the Caribbean.

Area: 730 Sq. km.

Official Language: Spanish

National Flag: Blue, red quartered by a white cross.

Flag Ratio: 2:3

National Anthem: (1833)
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