EelamWeb© is aimed at rebuilding Tamil Eelam, the traditional home land of the Tamils, which has been ravaged by the genocidal policies that have been undertaken by successive Sinhala dominated Sri Lankan governments.

The mass human rights abuses committed by the Sri Lankan goverment and its forces are done so in the cover of a complete censorship of all information concerning Tamils in Tamil eelam. Due to the sufferings that Tamil people are facing in their own home land, we, at EelamWeb have found this page a necessity to expose the terror of the Sri Lankan goverment and its forces.

Culture is the heart of any civilisation and it gives us a great responsibility as Tamils living outside of Tamil eelam and free of suppression by the Sri Lankan govt, to take the initiatives to showcase the rich culture and tradition of Tamil eelam.

EelamWeb shall strive to provide as much literature regarding the Tamil freedom struggle that has been published over the years by various tamil scholars. At the same time, we shall also provide information relating to the tradition and culture, which the Tamils of Tamil eelam have struggled to safe guard despite the various methods of suppression by the Sri Lankan government.

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