Emet News Service
Emet News Service
Information About This Web Site
Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. I am dedicated to bringing forth the truth of what is happening in the world today. I feel it is my job to shed light on the events happening in our world as the nations gather against Israel and the Jewish people.
I know there are many other news services that cover what is happening in Israel. Why another one? Well, first of all, I have been reporting the news about Israel and the Jewish people since 1994. When I began there were only a few others on the Internet aside from the Jerusalem Post. I created, edited, and published the Tzemach News Service for ten years. I then began this news service in an effort to more fully report what was happening in Israel.
Israel plays a major role in God's plan of redemption. He has chosen the nation of Israel as His people and given them the Land of Israel — "from the Red Sea to the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness to the River Euphrates" (Exodus 23:31). I believe this and I do not take it lightly. I also believe that, as a follower of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, it is my responsibility to support and encourage His people Israel in whatever way that I can.
My name is Lee Underwood. Several years ago the Lord called me to serve in His holy work. His work has brought me to many places, both physical and spiritual. I seek only to glorify the Lord, to help others as He has given me wisdom to do, by utilizing the gifts He has given me as a writer, a teacher and a musician.
Please feel free to use this Web site in any way that glorifies the Lord. Do not hesitate to send me your comments, questions, and suggestions.
If you're looking for ways to support Israel, be sure to check the "Organizations Supporting Israel" page.
May the Lord bless you in all that you do and may all that you do glorify the Lord.
Note: This Web site is not affiliated with any institution, organization, political party, or religious group.
For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not keep quiet!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License
» Printed from: Emet News Service: http://www.emetnews.org/