Expatica.com - France
Expatica.com - France
Number of site visits
Official foreign policy statements
Links to other sites
E-mail the webmaster
Write to the french foreign ministry
Site architecture and management

Number of site visits

The site went on line in October 1995. The number of visits has risen steadily along with the amount of material posted. The site currently receives about 2,000,000 visits a month, 50% from abroad.

The most visited pages include:

Advice to travellers, health guidelines and information for travellers (in French)

Label France, the MinistryÌs quarterly magazine

Diplomatic News, statements and French positions on major international political issues

International cooperation, a presentation of French policy on development cooperation (in French)

Official foreign policy statements

Official foreign policy statements and texts are posted daily on the News page. Most are translated by the press departments of our embassies in London, Bonn, Madrid and Mexico

While the aim is to provide you with the latest bulletins of texts and statements, you can click on the relevant dates to see the previous thirty.

To access earlier French foreign policy statements (since 1966) or search for specific topics, click on database of French foreign policy statements.

NB Despite every effort to prevent alteration of these documents, accidental modifications cannot be totally avoided. Reference documents (certified as authentic) are available from the nearest French Embassy or Consulate General, or, in the case of official statements, by subscribing to the two-monthly publication "La politique »trangÀre de la France" published for the Ministry by La Documentation fran¡aise.

Links to other sites

We provide links to other sites, but the Ministry accepts no responsibility or liability for their content.


Most of the documents on the Profile of France page are excerpts from a reference book entitled "France", published for the Ministry by La Documentation fran¡aise, from whom it may be ordered.

La Documentation Francaise 29-31 Quai Voltaire 75007 Paris, France fax: 33 1 40 15 68 00 Mail order: 124, rue Henri Barbusse 93304 Aubervilliers Cedex France Direction de la communication et de lÌinformation 37, Quai dÌOrsay 75700 Paris France fax: 33 1 43 17 47 53


We regret that the contents of this site are not all translated into English, German and Spanish.

When a translation is not available, the list of languages into which the document has been translated appears on the screen.

E-mail the webmaster

Comments and suggestions may be addressed to our Webmaster. He will endeavour to take them into account. However, he cannot deal with specific requests or matters not strictly to do with the serverÌs operation. For more detailed or further information please contact your nearest French Embassy or Consulate by telephone, letter or fax. If you live in France please contact the Direction de la communication et de lÌinformation of the French Foreign Ministry.

Write to the french foreign ministry

Postal addresses of French Foreign Ministry departments

Site architecture and management

All the MinistryÌs main departments contribute to the France.diplomatie site. While liaising closely with these departments, the Communication and Information Directorate is responsible for the siteÌs editorial content and day-to-day technical management.


Documents are posted on this website for informational purposes only. Despite the attention given to the transcription of official statements and to the verification of contents, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs cannot be held responsible in any manner for any document posted here

Print version


See also :

Institut lyonnais pour la diffusion de la langue et de la culture fran¡aises

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