Export to Italy - Fedex
International Resource Center

Italy Country Profile

* Country Information
* Trade Group Member
* General Import Clearance Information
* Italy Import Prohibitions
* General Import Restrictions
* Italy Import Restrictions
* Special Import Provisions
o Personal Effects
o Samples
o Gifts
* Standards
* General Export Clearance Information
* Italy Export Prohibitions
* General Export Restrictions
* Italy Export Restrictions
* Regulatory Contact Information

Country Information
Capital: Rome
Population: 58,147,733 (July 2007 est.)
Language: Italian, French minority in Val d'Aosta, German minority in Trentino Alto Adige and Albanian minority in Puglia
Weights and Measures: Metric
Currency: European Euro
Time Zone GMT +1

Trade Group Member

The European Union (EU) allows for the free movement of goods between Italy and other member states: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, and United Kingdom. The European Union has numerous bilateral and multilateral agreements, such as the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (formerly the Multi-Fiber Agreement), PECO countries Agreement, Israel Agreement, Turkey Agreement, Baltic Sea countries Agreement. All these agreements are grouped under the umbrella of the World Trade Organization (WTO), which is the successor to the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT). The WTO oversees most global trade in goods and services as negotiated in the various agreements, it also provides arbitration in case of disputes. MFN or Most Favored Nation tariff treatment is accorded to all countries that have ratified the WTO, as well as, to other previous GATT members who have yet to ratify the accord. All agreements ratified by European Union Executive Commission automatically apply to all EU member states. The exemption or reduced tariff is applicable only to qualified members under the agreement as originating goods.

Under the General Preferential Tariff (GPT) duty-free entry is allowed for direct importation in all EU member states of eligible goods from the countries listed in the preliminary section of the Customs Tariff.

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of wild fauna and flora provides for the seizure of shipments prohibited under this agreement and the assessment of fines.

General Import Clearance Information

Clearance Process
Working with Customs officials throughout the world, FedEx has developed innovative technology to eliminate many paperwork-handling steps and expedite the movement of international shipments. This is FedEx Expressclear electronic Customs clearance system. Starting at the origin, state-of-the-art technology allows the processing of shipment paperwork and electronic transmission of documents to the designated FedEx hub and destination clearance location. The Expressclear system also keeps a database of regulatory information, which includes importers numbers, broker, designation, corporate contact names and telephone numbers. At the FedEx hub, international shipments are sorted, scanned and loaded onto an international flight. Vital shipment information is keyed into a worldwide manifest database, which is linked to computer system operated by brokers and Customs officials in many countries. Even before the plane has taken off, or while it is in the air, Customs agents and brokers at the destination airport of entry can begin examining shipping manifests, querying air waybill data if they need more details, assessing duties and taxes and selecting which shipments they wish to examine. By the time the plane arrives at the destination, many packages have already been cleared. As the plane is unloaded, the Expressclear system identifies packages to be examined and prints "cleared" Customs labels for all others. Cleared shipments can be transferred by trucks for immediate delivery. International shipments are scanned at all key points throughout the process, which allows for up-to-date status reports including Customs Clearance obtained.

There are three primary entry types for importing into Italy:

Standard clearance procedure (PN)
Simplified clearance procedure (PS)
Simplified declaration procedure (ES)

The first two procedures apply to all shipments regardless of value; the third one applies to shipments of commercial samples below EU 45 and/or to negligible value shipments below EU 22 and provides Duty and Tax relief.

Tobacco, drugs, medicines, weapons and their parts, strategic materials and their parts, CITES commodities, alcohol and all other licensable commodities cannot be processed under ES procedure.

When a shipment reaches Italy, FedEx will either advise the importer's broker or file entry release documents on behalf of the importer of record (owner, purchaser or consignee) with Italian Customs at the point of entry. Imported goods are not legally entered until after the shipment has been released by Italian Customs. Italian Customs may pull any shipment at any time for review or investigation, which could result in clearance/delivery delays. NOTE: In addition to the Customs Department, importers should contact other agencies when questions regarding particular commodities arise. For example, questions about CITES products should be forwarded to CFS Cites Office (Forestry Police Cites Office), or questions about medicines should be forwarded to the Border Sanitary Office at the point of entry.

The Importer of Record or a licensed Customs Broker may account for goods. According to the Importer of Record's profile FedEx GTS Italy will either provide notification upon arrival of shipments to the Importer's designated Customs Broker or clear and advance payment of any duties and taxes levied for the shipments on behalf of the importer.

Note: The Customs (entry and payment processing) account can be established at any customs office and by the importer himself for his shipments or by FedEx for all its customers. Currently only FedEx's account is being used. An air waybill may be used for qualifying Simplified Declaration Procedure (ES) merchandise (samples and low value shipments) arriving by air, but all other merchandise must be presented with a commercial invoice that contains all the data requirements of Italian Customs Department.

Accounting is a two part process for PS consisting of (1) filing the release documents and (2) filling the entry documents for final accounting with Customs Dept. Accounting for PN is a one part process where filing for release and final filing correspond.

PS and PN release requires the submission of the following documents:

1. Bill of Lading, air waybill or manifest
2. Commercial invoice or pro forma invoice that provides all data requirements per Customs Department regulations
3. Packing lists, if appropriate
4. Any other documents necessary to determine merchandise admissibility, such as Import permits, Export Permits, Form A, EUR 1 forms and statements, Certificates of Origin.

ES release requires the submission of the following documents:

* Bill of Lading
* Air Waybill
* Manifest

Import entries must be accounted for immediately for PN and within three business days of the date of release of the shipment for PS. Accounting is achieved by submitting the EU Single Administrative Document (SAD) to customs. This can be accomplished physically or electronically via Customs E.D.I (Electronic Data Interchange) system.
ES are excluded from E.D.I. electronic accomplishment.
Payment of D&T can be completed per agreed schedule (usually once a week).

According to customs regulations it is the importer's responsibility to keep records of all transactions for a period of five years, records are defined as copies of all documentation relevant to any transactions presented to customs; including but not limited to commercial invoices, bills of lading, purchase orders and related correspondence. At any time, Customs or the Finance Department may raise importer compliance issues regarding any one or all transactions. Much of the information that Customs is concerned with is provided with importer's entry documentation.

If it is desired to postpone the release of the goods, they may be placed in FedEx's cage in our bonded warehouse until the documentation has been obtained for appropriate release. If the goods are not released from Customs within 30 days, they are reported to the Customs Office warehouse and abandoned or sent back to the origin at shipper's expense. Storage fees may apply if an outside broker is handling the shipment for clearance; no storage fees apply for FedEx brokered shipments.

Importers shipping into Italy should consult the following Italian agencies for detailed information and guidance:

Agricultural commodities (Animal and Plant products or commodities for Human Consumption) - Ministero Politiche Agricole e Forestali (Dept. of Agriculture and Forestry Policies), Corpo Forestale dello Stato (Forestry Police Dept.), Ministero della Sanita' (Health dept)
Alcoholic Beverages - Ministero delle Finanze ( Finance Dept.)
Arms, Ammunition, Radioactive Materials - Ministero della Difesa (Defense Dept.), Ministero dell'Interno (Domestic Affairs Dept.)
Consumer Products (Energy Conservation and Safety) - Ministero della Sanita', Ministero dell'Industria e del Commercio
Electronic Products - Ministero della Sanita', Ministero dell'Industria e del Commercio
Foods, Drugs, Cosmetics and Medical Device - Ministero della Sanita', Customs Dept.
Gold, Silver, Currency, Stamps - Ministero del Tesoro, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato
Motor vehicles and boats - Ministero dell'Industria e del Commercio
Pesticides, Toxic and Hazardous Substances - Ministero dell'Ambiente (Environment Dept.)
Textile, Wool and Fur Products - Ministero del Commercio Estero
Trademarks, Trade Names and Copyrights - Ministero del Commercio Estero, Customs Dept.
Wildlife and Pets - Ministero della Sanita', Ministero dell'Ambiente, Customs Dept, CFS
Fine Arts Products - Ministero dei Beni Culturali, Customs Dept.

Document Requirements
Bills of Lading - No special regulations

Consular Invoices - None

Certificates of Origin - Certificates of Origin are required for the importation of any Textile products valued at over 45 Euros. Exceptions from this requirement include marked and mutilated samples; luggage made up of textile materials, Canvas bags, and Bona- fida Gifts, Personal Effects. A Certificate of origin is recommended for every commodity subject to import licensing and /or quota restrictions from some origin countries.

EUR 1 Form Import - An EUR 1 form may be required for goods under formal entry claiming preferential duty or exemption under various bilateral agreements by the European Union countries and participating specific countries or groups of countries. It should be produced at the time of entry and must be in possession of the Importer at the time of entry. Origin of the goods must be detailed on the commercial invoice.

Quotas - Quotas have been assigned by the European Union to specific countries for specific products, which allow for the controlled importation of specific products.

Commercial Invoices - Invoices are required for all dutiable shipments relating to commercial transactions between companies and companies; companies and individuals, regardless of the value. Commercial invoices should show freight, insurance and similar charges as separate items when applicable, regardless of the INCOTERM used on the transaction. It must be in Italian for export shipments or accompanied by a translation. It can be in any official language for import shipments and, if required by customs, must be accompanied by a translation. If requested by Customs an Italian translation must be furnished by a party who is knowledgeable of the transaction.

Specific invoice details are required for a number of commodities including the following:

* Audio/video cassettes and tapes - the length and width of the tape, a brief synopsis of the content and the reason for exportation;
* Textiles - the fabric breakdown, whether knit or woven and, for clothing articles, the gender;
* Marked/mutilated samples - the words "mutilated samples" or " marked samples, not for resale" as applicable;
* Software on CD's and floppy disks - The value of software must be shown separately from software support.

Dangerous Goods Certification - Some goods will, in addition to the standard documentation noted above, require DG certification. (i.e. perfumes, liquor, chemicals, etc.)

Air Waybill - An air waybill or carriers certificate (naming the consignee for customs purposes) as evidence of the consignee's right to make entry.

Declaration of Antiquity - A declaration must be shown on the invoice for goods over 100 years old. The statement must include the words "circa date" followed by the year of manufacture whether known or estimated.

Import permits - Permits are required from Ministero del Commercio Estero for the following:

* Milk and Dairy products
* Cheese
* Fish
* Wheat, Barley and Other grains
* Vegetables
* Steel
* Textiles and Clothing
* Livestock and animals and parts of
* Firearms, ammunitions and explosives
* Waste products
* Radioactive materials and nuclear reactors

Customs Valuation
All goods categorized, as non-document commercial goods shipped to Italy must have a proper value declared and proper description provided which should convey the shipper's intent related to the goods as well as any special processing requirements that exist for the goods shipped. Everything has a value, whether or not a transaction took place. Failure to properly document value of any goods will result in delays and or additional fees as deemed necessary in addition to warehouse fees.

Import Duties
All merchandise coming into Italy must clear Customs and is subject to customs duty assessment unless the goods are duty or tax exempt by law. Customs duties are, generally, an ad valorem rate (a percentage), which is applied to the transaction value (EU Euro) of the imported goods based on the cost of the goods, insurance, and freight charges. Some articles, however, are dutiable at a specific rate of duty (so much per piece, liter, kilo etc.) and others at a compound rate (combination of both ad valorem and specific rates). The dutiable value of merchandise is determined by the EU Customs code. Several appraisal methods are used to arrive at this value. Generally, the transaction value of the merchandise serves as a basis of appraisal. Transaction value is the price the buyer actually pays the seller for the goods sold and being imported. The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of European Union (2002 Edition), issued by Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, prescribes the rates of duty and classification of merchandise by the type of product; i.e. animal and vegetable products, textile fibers and textile products. The tariff schedule provides several rates of duty for each item.

Under strict enforcement of unfair trade laws, Customs will assess antidumping duties or countervailing duties. Antidumping duties are assessed on imported merchandise sold in Italy (EU) at less than the normal price of goods in the manufacturer's home market (also called fair market value).

Excise Duties
Excise taxes are accessed against certain commodities, which are normally identified as "luxury" goods. The excise tax is normally assessed against tobacco products, perfumes and alcohol products but can also be accessed against other goods as deemed by Italian regulations.

Additional Duties
Countervailing duties are assessed to counter the effects of subsidies provided by a foreign government for merchandise exported to Italy resulting in artificially low prices that are detrimental to Italian and other European Union member states industries.

Watch Duty Rate
Watches imported into Italy (EU) are subject to duty assessment on a per item basis versus the traditional duty assessment on a set percentage of value declared. The actual duty and the final rate of duty are determined based on the customs classification of the watch at the time of entry processing.

Import Taxes
VAT or value added tax is accessed at a rate of 20% on those shipments that are entered as normal consumption entries in addition to the normal rate of duty.

Customs Fees
Examination Fees
Additional fees can be accessed on some commodities to cover the expense of performing the examinations and or testing required as a condition of the goods entry into the commerce of Italy. Commodities affected: cosmetics, drugs and medicines, artwork.

Exchange Controls

Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT's)
Technical barriers or non-tariff barriers to trade, as they are sometimes known, can cause many problems for exporters looking for new markets for their products. These barriers can be in the form of regulations, standards, testing and certification procedures. The World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade tries to ensure that these barriers do not create unnecessary obstacles. To obtain further information on Technical Barriers to Trade as well as Notifications on Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment Procedures, go to the WTO website at http://trade-info.cec.eu.int/tbt/index.cfm.

Consular Fees

Italy Import Prohibitions

The following items are prohibited into Italy:

Atlantic red tuna fish (Thunnus Thynnus) originating from Belize, Panama, and Honduras
Toys and games containing copper sulfate
Items having a flexible metal blade entirely contained in a plastic, paper, or fabric sheath
Illicit Narcotics and Drugs
All forms of asbestos fibers
L-trytophane and any items having L-trytophane as an ingredient
Rubber erasers that are similar in appearance to food products that are easily ingested
Medical thermometers containing mercury intended for human consumption
Certain U.S. Beef hormones

General Import Restrictions

The following items are not acceptable for carriage to any international destinations unless otherwise indicated. (Additional restrictions may apply depending on destination. Various regulatory clearances in addition to customs clearance may be required for certain commodities, thereby extending the transit time.)

* APO/FPO addresses.

* C.O.D. shipments.

* Human corpses, human organs or body parts, human and animal embryos, or cremated or disinterred human remains.

* Explosives (Class 1.4 explosives are acceptable for carriage to Canada, Germany, Japan, Sweden, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom. Note: United Arab Emirates only allows Class 1.4 explosives to be shipped hold- for- pick-up to the FedEx Express facility in Dubai.)

* Firearms, weaponry, and their parts (acceptable between the U.S. and Puerto Rico).

* Perishable foodstuffs and foods and beverages requiring refrigeration or other environmental control.

* Live animals (including insects) except via our Live Animal Desk (1.800.405.9052).

* Plants and plant material, including cut flowers (cut flowers are acceptable from the U.S. to selected points in Canada and from Colombia, Ecuador and the Netherlands to the U.S.).

* Lottery tickets and gambling devices where prohibited by local, state, provincial or national law.

* Money (coins, cash, currency, paper money and negotiable instruments equivalent to cash such as endorsed stocks, bonds and cash letters).

* Collectible coins and stamps.

* Pornographic and/or obscene material.

* Hazardous waste, including, but not limited to, used hypodermic needles or syringes or other medical waste.

* Shipments that may cause damage to, or delay of, equipment, personnel or other shipments.

* Shipments that require us to obtain any special license or permit for transportation, importation or exportation.

* Shipments whose carriage, importation or exportation is prohibited by any law, statute or regulation.

* Shipments with a declared value for customs in excess of that permitted for a specific destination.

* Dangerous goods except as permitted under the Dangerous Goods section of these terms and conditions.

* Processed or unprocessed dead animals, including insects and pets. Taxidermy-finished hunting trophies or completely processed (dried) specimens of whole animals or parts of animals are acceptable for shipment into the U.S.

* Packages that are wet, leaking or emit an odor of any kind.

* Wildlife products that require U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service export clearance by FedEx prior to exportation from the U.S.

* Shipments* being processed under:

Duty drawback claims unless advance arrangements are made.

Temporary Import Bonds - acceptable under the FedEx International Broker Select option, for initial import only.

U.S. State Department licenses.


U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration export permit.

Shipments destined to or being withdrawn from a Foreign Trade Zone.

Letters of Credit (however, shipments covered by a Letter of Credit calling for a "Courier Receipt" as defined by Article 25 of UCP 600 may move via FedEx International Priority).

Certificate of Registration shipments (CF4455).

Shipments moving into or out of Foreign Trade Zones or bonded warehouses.

*You may be able to ship these items via FedEx International Premium, FedEx International Express Freight (IXF), FedEx International Airport-to-Airport (ATA) or FedEx International Controlled Export. For information on FedEx International Premium, IXF and ITA, call FedEx Express Freight Services at 1.800.332.0807. For information on FedEx International Controlled Export, call International Customer Service at 1.800.247.4747or your local FedEx customer service representative.

Italy Restrictions

The importation of certain classes of merchandise may be prohibited or restricted to protect the economy and security of Italy and other EU member states, to safeguard consumer health, well being, and to preserve domestic plant and animal life. Some commodities are also subject to an import quota or a restraint under bilateral trade agreements and arrangements. In addition to Customs requirements, many prohibited or restricted imports are subject to laws and regulations administered by other Italian Government agencies for which the Italian Customs Department is the enforcer. These laws and regulations may, for example, prohibit entry; limit entry to certain points; restrict routing, storage, use, require treatment, labeling or processing as condition of release. Customs release only takes place when the additional requirements are met. These requirements apply to all importation types, including shipments made by mail. The exporter should make certain that the Italian importer has provided proper information to (1) permit the submission of necessary information concerning packing, labeling, etc. and (2) ensure that necessary arrangements have been made by the importer for entry of the merchandise into Italy.

The following commodities are prohibited via FedEx International Priority (IP) services into Italy. However, you may be able to use another FedEx service for shipping these items. For additional shipping options, please contact your local FedEx customer service representative.

Log and Timber products from Liberia (wood-chips, poles, post, fence pickets, sheets, flooring, molding, pallet, tool handles, barrels, crates, tableware/kitchenware, shutters, blinds, cases/boxes/chests for jewelry and silverware clothes hangers, clothespins, toothpicks, etc).

Special Import Provisions

Food Products
The importation of food products containing meat or milk products for personal consumption is prohibited unless accompanied by the necessary documentation from the official veterinary services of the country of origin. Infant milk, infant food and special foods required for medical reasons can be imported under the condition that these products do not require refrigeration before opening, that they are packaged proprietary brand products for direct sale to the final consumer, and that the packaging is unbroken.

Goods may be transported in-bond to another point of entry for clearance by re-manifesting (infrequent) to that location, by using house air waybills (for PS) or by using T docs (EU transit system). A bonded carrier is required to transport the shipment from the point of arrival to point of clearance. Arrangements for transporting the merchandise to an interior point in-bond may be made by the consignee, by the customs broker or by any other person having sufficient interest in the goods for that purpose.

Note: These articles require special processing and customs clearance, which are not handled under the FedEx IP express carrier operation commitments.

ATA Carnet - The ATA carnet is a document that may be used instead of SAD forms for Temporary admission and Temporary exportation, which are the usual Customs documentation for temporary clearance of professional equipment, commercial samples and advertising material. The carnet is usually issued by a Chambers of Commerce of in the country of origin and is valid for one year. It must be validated by Customs upon import, re-export, export and re-import.

The "Admission Temporaire - Temporary Admission", or the ATA Carnet, is an international customs document which may be used for the temporary duty free admission and temporary export of commercial samples. This is in-lieu-of the usual customs documents required for entry. The carnet serves as a guarantee against the payment of duty, which may become due if the merchandise is not re-exported.

Temporary Imports: Including Repaired Articles or Articles for Repair
Articles consigned for temporary Import traveling under Carnets, goods for display, goods for demonstration, goods for exhibition, goods for repair, goods for incorporation into other articles and goods imported for further processing and re-export are not acceptable for importation into Italy via FedEx IP Service. These articles require special processing and customs clearance, which are not handled under the express carrier operation commitments. Clearance delays could be experienced on entries lodged for these types of shipments.

Personal Effects
Personal belongings of Italian (EU) citizens (Preliminary provisions of customs tariff - Articles 14 and 15) residents are entitled entry free of duty. Personal belongings taken abroad, such as worn clothing, etc. may be shipped back to Italy and receive free entry provided they have not been altered or repaired while abroad and prior ownership can be proven. The shipping documents should be clearly marked "Italian Goods Returned" with the reason why clearly stated and with the goods identified as personal effects.

Items such as laptops, watches, PC's, cameras, tape recorders, Camcorders, video players, CD and DVD players or other articles that may be uniquely identifiable by serial number or permanently affixed marking, should be documented on owner declaration at the Customs Office at the port of exit, at the time of export or when physically carried abroad. This declaration will expedite free entry of these items upon return. The declaration is valid for any future trips as long as the information on it remains legible. Registration must be made in person.

Samples may qualify for duty free entry if:

* They are of negligible value (EU 22 or less),

* They are for solicitation of orders for the goods of the kind represented by the sample,

* There is not more than one sample of each style or quality in a consignment,

* That the shipment does not exceed 3kgs (6.6 lbs)

* Total quantity of 5 items

* The goods are supplied directly from abroad,

* They will be consumed or destroyed during demonstration and are packaged and properly marked in a manner which precludes their being used as other than samples. (i.e. foodstuffs, non-alcoholic beverages, perfumes and chemical products).

Designer Samples (Textiles)
Apparel manufacturers importing samples of apparel for the manufacturing of similar goods in Italy may bring one sample of each style duty free into Italy. A shipment may contain several different samples, as long as there is only one sample of each kind. In order to enforce this condition, Customs requires that the style number of each sample appear on the commercial documents. The commercial invoice must contain in the product description the intent of the shipper that the goods are intended as samples. Failing to provide this information clearly will result in normal consumption entry with duty and taxes accessed.

Casual donations sent by people abroad to friends in Italy, or imported personally by persons who are not residents of Italy, as gift for friends are not subject to duty or taxes.

Articles consigned as "Unsolicited gifts" are acceptable and will be allowed entry free of any duty or VAT providing the shipment is valued at less than 45 EURO originated from and consigned to an individual, and are individually wrapped. Multiple gifts can be consigned in one shipment so long as the individual parcels enclosed are individually tagged with the recipients name, are individually wrapped and the value does not exceed the per person limit of 45 EURO. Shipments consigned to companies as gifts for an individual may be denied entry as gifts and will be subject to full duty and VAT. Generally, most articles can be consigned as gifts, except those articles noted prohibited or restricted for import (see General Import Prohibitions and Restrictions).


Country of Origin Marking
Every article entering Italy must be marked with the name of the country of origin in any official language, preferably in Italian or English, unless an exception of marking is provided for in the law. The country of origin is the country of manufacture, production, or growth of the article. The requirement applies to each unit unless exempted. The phrase "made in" is required only in the case where the name of any locality other than the country or locality in which the article was manufactured appears on the article or its container. The marking "made in (country)", "product of (country)", or other words of similar meaning must appear in close proximity to and in comparable size letters of the other locality to avoid possible confusion. When marking is not feasible, such as when the article is too small or marking would in some way damage the merchandise, then the packaging or container that will reach the ultimate consumer must be marked.

Marking of Goods
Marking of all goods consigned for consumption into Italian (EU) commerce must be legible. This means it must be of an adequate size, and clear enough, to be read easily by a person of normal vision. The article should be marked as permanently as the nature of the product will permit. However, any reasonable method of marking that will accomplish the purpose of the law is acceptable. Markings that will not remain on the article during handling or for any other reason except deliberate removal are not considered to constitute a proper marking. The best form of marking is one which becomes a part of the article itself, such as branding, stenciling, stamping, printing, molding and similar methods. Other forms of marking will be acceptable if it is certain that the marking used will remain on the article, and will remain legible and conspicuous, until the article reaches the ultimate purchaser in Italy. It is important that this marking withstand handling. This means it must be of a type that can be defaced, destroyed, removed, altered, obliterated, or obscured only by a deliberate act. When tags are used, they must be attached in a conspicuous place and in a manner, which assures that, unless deliberately removed, they will remain on the article until it reaches the ultimate purchaser.

Textile products
All textile products must be permanently affixed with a readily accessible label containing the following information:

1. Fiber content shown by generic name, preferably in Italian or English as a percentage of total mass for all fibers with a total mass of 100% and in order of predominance of mass;
2. Dealer identity and/or Country of Manufacture
3. Special care instructions if necessary for the consumer, should be provided.

Other special marking rules are issued by various regulatory agencies and departments for specific products such as iron and steel pipe and pipe fittings, manhole cover parts, scissors, razors, for surgical, scientific and laboratory equipment, for watches and clocks. These articles must be marked by cutting, die-sinking, engraving or stamping. Specific labeling requirements also exist for household appliances, food, drugs, electronics and for containers of alcoholic beverages.

Marking exemption may apply to various articles due to their own specific limitations, like goods for one time use or articles that are incapable of being marked.

CE Marking
The CE (Conformite Europeenne) Marking is required to be displayed on regulated products offered for commercial sale on the European market. It indicates that a product complies with applicable European Directives related to health, safety, environment and consumer protection. Because the CE Marking identifies products that meet a common set of criteria established and adopted by the 18 member countries of the European Economic Area (EEA), the CE Marking on your products will permit them to move freely in commerce throughout the European market. The manufacturer, or authorized representative, is responsible for placing the CE Marking on compliant products. The common CE Marking logo is placed on the product, product literature or packaging as described in each Directive. Articles regulated under the European Directives that are not properly marked when imported are subject to delay in customs and may not be cleared for consumption.

General Export Clearance Information

Clearance Process
Exporting from Italy requires:

1. Export Compliance;
2. Knowledge of your commodity
3. Proper documentation including permits, licenses and related certificate of origins
4. Pre-shipment requirements from the destination country.

Export documentation requirements vary depending on the value of the goods, destination of the shipment and if the goods are controlled, prohibited or regulated. Goods that must be reported require a bill of lading/air waybill, an SAD (Single Administrative Document) export declaration, a commercial or a pro-forma invoice, as well as any export permits, certificate, licenses required for controlled, prohibited or regulated goods. All controlled, regulated commodities require an export permit regardless of the value. It is extremely important that all documents tendered for export clearance processing are accurate in every way. Incomplete or inaccurate documentation may result in lengthy delays in customs processing and may result in warehousing and other customs fees.

There are no reporting requirements for all non-dutiable shipments (documents).

The Ministero degli Affari Esteri's (Foreign Affairs Department) legal mandate is to:

* Conduct all diplomatic and consular relations on behalf of Italy;
* Conduct all official communications between the Government of Italy and the government of any other country and between the Government of Italy and any international organization;
* Conduct and manage international negotiations as they relate to Italy;
* Coordinate Italy's economic relations;
* Coordinate the direction given by the Government of Italy to the heads of Italy's diplomatic and consular missions and to manage these missions;
* Administer the foreign service of Italy;
* Foster the development of international law and its application in Italy's external relations;
* Implement UN Security Council sanctions, in cooperation with other Departments and the Dipartimento delle Dogane (Customs Department).

The Ministero del Commercio Estero's (Foreign Trade Department) legal mandate is to:

* Foster the expansion of Italy's international trade;
* Administer Export and Import Licenses in cooperation with the Dipartimento delle Dogane (Customs Dept.);
* Protect vulnerable Italian industries, such as footwear, clothing, textile manufacturing in cooperation with the Dipartimento delle Dogane;
* Obtain negotiated benefits from international agreements, under European Union supervision;
* Implement trade restrictions in support of European Union Trade Policies in cooperation with other departments and the Dipartimento delle Dogane;
* Fulfill other international obligations;
* Implement UN Security Council trade sanctions, in cooperation with other departments and the Dipartimento delle Dogane.

The Dipartimento delle Dogane (Customs Department), besides the above-mentioned mandates, has additional tasks:

* To enforce drug smuggling laws, in cooperation with the national police forces;
* To enforce fine products trade, in cooperation with the Ministero dei Beni Culturali (Fine Arts Department) and the police forces;
* To regulate trade in military and strategic dual-use goods, and prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as we are obliged to do under multilateral agreement, in cooperation with the Ministero delle Difesa (Defense Department) and the Ministero dell'Interno (Domestic Affairs Department);
* To prevent the supply of military goods to countries that threaten Italian security, are under UN sanction, are threatened by internal or external conflict, and/or abuse the human rights of their citizens, in cooperation with the two Departments mentioned of the above point and the police forces;
* To collect accurate information on Italian exports, in cooperation with Ministero del Commercio Estero;
* To control the export of strategic, embargoed and dangerous goods, as provided by Italian, EU regulations and trade and/or political international agreements. Some commodities exported from Italy are to be exported under an export license. Commodities controlled by an export license are under control of the Ministero del Commercio Estero. Commodities and countries that require an export permit are listed in the Italian HS tariff book. The Italian Customs Department expects that all exporters be aware and fully comply with this listing. When exporting from Italy the destination country must be verified to ensure that the country is not in the HS tariff book export license list. It is then the exporter's responsibility to request an Export License that must be provided to the Customs department at the time the goods are exported. Every person or their agent who knowingly or unknowingly violates any of the provisions or regulations of the Ministero del Commercio Estero and the Italian Customs Department is guilty of an offence and is liable for penalties, fines and imprisonment.

Document Requirements
EUR 1 Form Export - An EUR 1 form may be completed by exporters from the European Union for goods shipped to participating EUR1 countries in order to qualify for preferential duty or exemption under the various agreements. Export Permits - Specific export permits are for commodities subject to export controls. The http://www.agenziadogane.it (Department of Customs) is the government office for dual use exports (commercial items that may have military applications). Other departments and agencies have regulatory jurisdiction and issue licenses for controlled substances and precursor chemicals, for endangered fish and wildlife species, for defense services and articles, for arms and munitions, for nuclear material, equipment and technology, for fuels, for drugs and medical devices. License requirements are dependent upon an item's technical characteristics, the destination, the end-use, end-user and other activities of the end-user. Specific questions pertaining to commodity licensing requirements should be directed to the lead agency. Agency information, telephone number and basic commodities that might require export permits could be identified by accessing the Department and agency web sites listed in the profile.

Italy Export Prohibitions

Export controls are imposed on Italian exporters by the government can take the form of prohibitions such as blockades, embargoes, boycotts, and sanctions or they can take the form of export licensing and permit requirements for controlled commodities. Export controls may be product specific, technology specific or country specific. The Customs Department holds the list of commodities and areas that are under control and/or require an export license. Contact the Customs Department or utilize their web site http://www.agenziadogane.it to determine if the goods being exported or the shipping destination is under control.

Examples of goods subject to export licensing controls:

Agricultural products; (i.e. grains, cheeses)
Dual Use goods; (i.e. software, computers, machines and machine parts)
Biological reagents

The following items are prohibited from Italy:

Atlantic red tuna fish (Thunnus Thynnus) originating from Belize, Panama, and Honduras
* Toys and games containing copper sulfate
* Items having a flexible metal blade entirely contained in a plastic, paper, or fabric sheath
* Illicit Narcotics and Drugs
* All forms of asbestos fibers
* L-trytophane and any items having L-trytophane as an ingredient
* Rubber erasers that are similar in appearance to food products that are easily ingested
* Medical thermometers containing mercury intended for human consumption

General Export Restrictions

The following items are not acceptable for carriage to any international destinations unless otherwise indicated. (Additional restrictions may apply depending on destination. Various regulatory clearances in addition to customs clearance may be required for certain commodities, thereby extending the transit time.)

* APO/FPO addresses.

* C.O.D. shipments.

* Human corpses, human organs or body parts, human and animal embryos, or cremated or disinterred human remains.

* Explosives (Class 1.4 explosives are acceptable for carriage to Canada, Germany, Japan, Sweden, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom. Note: United Arab Emirates only allows Class 1.4 explosives to be shipped hold- for- pick-up to the FedEx Express facility in Dubai.)

* Firearms, weaponry, and their parts (acceptable between the U.S. and Puerto Rico).

* Perishable foodstuffs and foods and beverages requiring refrigeration or other environmental control.

* Live animals (including insects) except via our Live Animal Desk (1.800.405.9052).

* Plants and plant material, including cut flowers (cut flowers are acceptable from the U.S. to selected points in Canada and from Colombia, Ecuador and the Netherlands to the U.S.).

* Lottery tickets and gambling devices where prohibited by local, state, provincial or national law.

* Money (coins, cash, currency, paper money and negotiable instruments equivalent to cash such as endorsed stocks, bonds and cash letters).

* Collectible coins and stamps.

* Pornographic and/or obscene material.

* Hazardous waste, including, but not limited to, used hypodermic needles or syringes or other medical waste.

* Shipments that may cause damage to, or delay of, equipment, personnel or other shipments.

* Shipments that require us to obtain any special license or permit for transportation, importation or exportation.

* Shipments whose carriage, importation or exportation is prohibited by any law, statute or regulation.

* Shipments with a declared value for customs in excess of that permitted for a specific destination.

* Dangerous goods except as permitted under the Dangerous Goods section of these terms and conditions.

* Processed or unprocessed dead animals, including insects and pets. Taxidermy-finished hunting trophies or completely processed (dried) specimens of whole animals or parts of animals are acceptable for shipment into the U.S.

* Packages that are wet, leaking or emit an odor of any kind.

* Wildlife products that require U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service export clearance by FedEx prior to exportation from the U.S.

* Shipments* being processed under:

Duty drawback claims unless advance arrangements are made.

Temporary Import Bonds - acceptable under the FedEx International Broker Select option, for initial import only.

U.S. State Department licenses.


U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration export permit.

Shipments destined to or being withdrawn from a Foreign Trade Zone.

Letters of Credit (however, shipments covered by a Letter of Credit calling for a "Courier Receipt" as defined by Article 25 of UCP 600 may move via FedEx International Priority).

Certificate of Registration shipments (CF4455).

Shipments moving into or out of Foreign Trade Zones or bonded warehouses.

*You may be able to ship these items via FedEx International Premium, FedEx International Express Freight (IXF), FedEx International Airport-to-Airport (ATA) or FedEx International Controlled Export. For information on FedEx International Premium, IXF and ITA, call FedEx Express Freight Services at 1.800.332.0807. For information on FedEx International Controlled Export, call International Customer Service at 1.800.247.4747 or your local FedEx customer service representative.

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Italy Restrictions

The following commodities are prohibited via FedEx International Priority (IP) services from Italy. However, you may be able to use another FedEx service for shipping these items. For additional shipping options, please contact your local FedEx customer service representative.

Log and Timber products from Liberia (wood-chips, poles, post, fence pickets, sheets, flooring, molding, pallet, tool handles, barrels, crates, tableware/kitchenware, shutters, blinds, cases/boxes/chests for jewelry and silverware clothes hangers, clothespins, toothpicks, etc).

Regulatory Contact Information

Branch or Agency Name

Areas of Responsibility
Department of Customs
Viale delle Province 103
00162 ROMA
Tel: 39-6-427-1043

* Enforcement of import /export regulations
* Controls trade of munitions
* Controls trade of dual-use goods

Ministero della Sanita'
(Health Department)
Viale dell'Industria 20
00144 ROMA
Tel: 39-6-592-6780

* Enforce health regulation
* Consumer protection and food policy

Ministero dell'Industria
(Industry Department)
Largo di S. Susanna 13
00187 ROMA
Tel: 39-6-74-4886

* Protect vulnerable Italian industries

Ministero del Commercio Estero
(Foreign Trade Department)
Viale Liszt 21
00144 ROMA
Tel: 39-6-59921

* Enforce trade restrictions

Ministero delle Risorse Agricole Alimentari e Forestali
(Ministry of Agri/Forestry)
Via XX Settembre 20
00187 ROMA
Tel: 39-6-488-4293

* Issues import/export permits for those goods regulated by CITES
* Administers issuance of CAP licensing for agricultural products for both import /export
* Issues licenses/permits for animals/animal products

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