Fukuoka Now
Fukuoka Now
About Fukuoka Now Posted: 04/03/2008
Fukuoka Now magazine was first published on Dec. 25, 1998. That was the January 1999 issue. Back then, it was a mere single sheet of A1-size paper printed on both sides and folded into 16 A5 pages. One side featured a map of the city and an event calendar. The other side ran reports on restaurants, bars, and places to visit in Fukuoka. Fukuoka Now was always bilingual, English and Japanese. In our third year we added Korean and Chinese, and later years saw special pages in French, Spanish and Portuguese. At one point in time, we regularly had articles in six languages!
Our concept has remained unchanged since the beginning: to provide non-Japanese and kokusai-jin (internationally-minded Japanese) interested in, or living in Kyushu with practical, timely, and lively information about the Fukuoka and Kyushu area. Our goal is to be the number one provider of information about Fukuoka and Kyushu to foreigners here, abroad, and visiting.
Fukuoka Now magazine and this website are published by Fukuoka Now Ltd., a privately owned and registered company in Fukuoka. The owner and founder, Nick Szasz, is a native of Toronto, Canada, and has lived in Japan for over twenty-one years. The magazine and this site are financed entirely from the advertisement sales. Support and recognition of these advertisers is certainly a great way for readers to help us continue these services.
Another way for readers to help or participate in this project is by sharing information, participating in our events, or by telling others about this website and our magazine. We hope the Fukuoka Now project will continue to bring both Japanese and non-Japanese together, and provide people from across the globe with a means to discover the many cultural treasures of Kyushu. Feel free to contact us at any time with your suggestions, comments, and criticisms.
Other services
When we aren't working on an upcoming issue or updating this website, Fukuoka Now offers a full range of media production services. We offer planning, editorial, graphic, and photographic services for both print and online projects. Our clients include some of the largest companies and government offices in the area. As media specialists, we also offer professional translation, editing and proof-reading for English, Korean, Chinese and other languages. Feel free to contact us.
Fukuoka Now Magazine
First issue: Dec. 25, 1998
Cycle: Monthly, (28th of each month)
Price: Free!
Copies: 27,000/issue
Pages: 48 (minimum)
Languages: English and Japanese with sections in Korean and Chinese
Contents: Restaurant, shop, and nightlife reports. Feature articles, event calendar, city map, travel reports, editorials, humor, international community snapshots, Kyushu Headline News, classified ads, and more.
Female Japanese: 48%
Male Japanese: 21%
Non-Japanese males: 20%
Non-Japanese females: 11%
Under 20 years of age: 4%
20 to 24: 24%
25 to 35: 53%
over 36: 19%
27,000 copies are made available for free at over 710 locations in northern Kyushu. Including Fukuoka Airport, Hakata JR Station, Nishitetsu Tenjin Fukuoka Station, Rainbow Plaza, Kokusai Hiroba, hundreds of restaurants, bars, shops, and at 74 hotels within Fukuoka City. Copies also available at select locations in Sasebo, Nagasaki, Kitakyushu, Kurume, and other major centers in Kyushu.
Display ads in Fukuoka Magazine cost as little as ¥17,850/month! Contact a sales representative in English or Japanese for more details.
Fukuoka Now Staff (as of April 2008)
CEO & Publisher
Nick Szasz
Emiko Szasz
Creative Director
Tom Brooke
Hiroko Toyoda
Chie Kubota
English Editors
Nicholas Jones
Andrew Melli
Ruth Woundstra
Japanese Editors
Rika Shinomiya
Korean Editor
Bohyun Jeong
Myunghee Lee
Chinese Editors
Mai Shiiba
Manqing Zhou
Contributing Editor
William Sakovich
Event Calendar
August McInnis
Ad Designer
Mayumi Hiura
Cover Photo
Yuichiro Hirakawa
Miho Kitada
Shirley Waisman
Fukuoka Now Ltd.
3F Abundant 89 Bldg., 1-5-11 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0042
Tel: 092-762-2505 Fax: 092-762-2509
Email: contact (a) fukuoka-now.com
Google Map Link