How to Export to Chile

Import Regs.: Documentation

As of October 1, 2005 Chile will accept the ATA carnet for temporary imports. Chile's Central Bank requires importers to obtain a registration certificate for goods valued over $3,000. Exporters must fill out a registration certificate (for statistical purposes) when exporting goods valued over $2,000 FOB.

A customs broker must be involved in any import transaction that exceeds US$500 in value. The brokers must be Chilean nationals and be accredited by the national Director of Customs.

Other commercial forms used by both local importers and exporters are:
- commercial invoice
- certificate of origin
- bill of lading
- freight insurance
- packing list

Special permission, certificates, and approval documents are required in special cases and can be obtained from the National Health Service (Servicio Nacional de Salud, SNS), the Agricultural and Livestock Service (Servicio Agricola y Ganadero, SAG), and the National Fishing Service (Servicio Nacional de Pesca, SERNAP), depending on the nature of the products to be imported.
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