How to Export to Colombia
Import Regs.: Courier/Mail Services 02/17/2006
Import Regs.: Customs Valuation 04/11/2007
Import Regs.: Documentation 06/08/2007
Import Regs.: Drawback 04/11/2007
Import Regs.: FTZs 06/08/2007
Import Regs.: Import Register 04/11/2007
Import Regs.: Labeling/Marking 07/17/2007
Import Regs.: Licensing 04/11/2007
Import Regs.: Minimum Shoe import prices 08/13/2007
Import Regs.: Mining/Hydrocarbon Tariff Benefits 07/12/2007
Import Regs.: Pre-Shipment Inspection 04/11/2007
Import Regs.: Product Guarantee/Warrants 08/13/2007
Import Regs.: Prohibitions 06/08/2007
Import Regs.: Tariff, taxes, pricebands 04/11/2007
Import Regs.: Temporary Entry 04/11/2007
Import Regs.: Used Machinery/Equipment 07/12/2007
Import Regs.: Wood Packaging/Shipping Material 08/10/2007
Standards: Dental Products 07/12/2007
Standards: Industrial Products 08/24/2007
Standards: Pharmaceutical/Cosmetics/Foods 06/08/2007
Standards: Veterinary Pharmaceutical Products 06/08/2007 Colombia

Import Regs.: Documentation

To import any product into Colombia it is necessary to produce an import declaration. Article 121 of Decree No. 2685 of 1999 defines the following documents required in support of the import declaration, which must be kept for a period of five years: import registration or licence, where appropriate; commercial invoice; transport document; certificate of origin, where required; health certificate and other documents required by special regulations, as necessary; packing list; power of attorney, where there is no customs endorsement and the import declaration is filed by a "customs intermediation company" (SIA) or the appointed representative; and the Andean value declaration, where necessary. Resolution No. 10118 of 2005 also requires that the commercial invoice for imports of goods from the Col€n de Panam? Free Zone, in addition to having been issued by the seller, must include the name or trade name, tax identification number and address of the buyer in Colombia.

Customs users must be enrolled in the Single Tax Register. The declarer are usually SIAs, which must represent natural or legal persons carrying out foreign trade transactions when the f.o.b. value of the imports exceeds US$1,000. The limit is US$5,000 in Arauca, Leticia, Yopal, Puerto Carreno, Inirida and Puerto Assis. Persons registered as a "regular customs user" or as a "high export user" do not have to use an SIA. The use of an SIA is a requirement intended to facilitate compliance with the rules on importation, exportation, customs transit and other customs operations and procedures.

Import registration authorizes the importation of goods under the free regime. Since 1997 a number of changes have been made to the regulations on registration and, according to the authorities, these have reduced by 40 per cent the total number of tariff headings subject to this requirement. Under Decree No. 2680, registration is mandatory for imports of goods subject to licensing and other requirements.

Once the import declaration has been lodged and accepted, the customs duties are paid into authorized banks or other financial institutions. One of the following situations may then arise: (i) automatic release of the goods; (ii) document check, or (iii) physical inspection of the goods. The Selection Committee (Resolution No. 2118 of 1999) determines the selection criteria and risk profiles applicable to the various customs procedures and to the various stages in the control and administration of the customs management process.

Importers in Colombia must follow eight basic steps to complete an import transaction into Colombia:

1) When required, obtain import permits from pertinent government agencies. For example: Ministry of Health (for drugs), Ministry of Agriculture (for certain food products); Civil Aviation Department (for aircraft).

2) Buy and fill out the Import Registration form. File the Import Registration form with the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Trade, Industry and Tourism (MINCOMEX). The form requires a complete product description and tariff classification.

3) Obtain approval from MINCOMEX for the Import Registration Form or Import License (in the few cases when this is required)

5) Make arrangements with a financial entity for payment of the importation.

6) Ask the exporter to ship goods to a Colombian port.

7) Request the Cargo Manifest from the transportation firm.

8) Make arrangements with its customs intermediaries (or Sociedades de Intermediaci€n Aduanera - SIA) to receive the merchandise and get it out of customs. The following are the main steps to be followed:

Go to an authorized financial entity and pay the import duties, value-added tax, surcharges and other fees.

Present all documents to Customs.
-Customs inspects the merchandise, when they consider it necessary, and then authorizes withdrawal of goods.

The importer must keep import documents for a period of not less than five (5) years.
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