How to Export to Excuador
mport Regs.: Documentation

All importers must be registered with the Central Bank, which will issue an import license (DUI, Documento Unico de Importacion), through approved banking organizations. In addition, the importer must have a Tax Identity Code (RUC) issued by the Ecuadorean Internal Revenue Service.

All shipments exceeding US$2,000 in value require a customs broker to clear documents and the shipment through the customs entry point.

The following documentation is required to obtain an import permit:
- the commercial invoice
- the import number assigned by the Central Bank
- the income tax registry number.
- Certain products require quality certification (see Standards on this site)

Upon arrival of the merchandise, the importer presents the import license, the commercial invoice, the inspection certificate, the bill of lading and the self-liquidated customs declaration in the same customs office where the merchandise is located.

Customs verifies the validity of the declaration and authorizes payment of duties, which may be made in any private bank. Upon payment, the merchandise may be withdrawn from customs. This process takes two working days.


The documentation requirements for the physical import of information technologies & software, both new and refurbished/used, are:

1) Import permit (DUI - Documento Unico de Importacion)
2) Import Number assigned by the Central Bank
3) Income Tax Registry number issued by the Ecuadorian IRS
4) Original Commercial Invoice
5) Bill of lading

For refurbished/used items, the listed value of each refurbished item and total CIF commmercial value of each importation should be shown on the invoice.

For each repair item, the commercial invoice should state the CIF value of the new or repaired part.
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