How to Export to Israel
Shipping Documentation
The Israeli Customs stringently enforces import documentation regulations, including the requirement for a U.S. Certificate of Origin for Exports to Israel. Therefore, U.S. exporters should meticulously follow the advice given below and always double-check with freight forwarders and shippers before the goods leave the United States to avoid potentially lengthy delays when the goods enter Israel.
U.S. Certificates of Origin for Exporting to Israel
To obtain a copy contact the following American-Israel Chambers of Commerce
regional offices can be found on the website:
In order to qualify for US-Israel Free Trade Agreement preferences, it is necessary to fill out and get certified a U.S.-Israel Free Trade Agreement Certicate of Origin. The New York and Chicago American-Israel Chambers of Commerce both sell and certify the U.S.-Israel Free Trade Agrement Certicate of Origin as well as help companies do business with Israel.
America-Israel Chamber of Commerce, S.E. Region
Pavilion at Lake Hearn
1150 Lake Hearn Drive, Suite 130
Atlanta, GA 30342
Tel: (404) 843-9426
Fax: (404) 843-1416
Maryland/Israel Development Center
217 E. Redwood St., Suite 1217
Baltimore, MD 21202
Tel 410-767-0681 or 410-539-0540 x 271 (Jim Shapiro)
Fax 410-333-4302
New England-Israel Chamber of Commerce
West Building I, Boston Fish Pier
212 Northern Avenue
Boston, MA 02210
Tel: (617) 753-7373
Fax: (617) 753-7350
American-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry/Metropolitan Chicago, Inc.
247 South State St,
Chicago, IL 60604
Tel: (312) 235-0586
Ohio-Israel Chamber of Commerce
1801 East Ninth Street, Suite 1530
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Tel: (216) 621-6832
Fax: (216) 621-6862
America-Israel Chamber of Commerce of Michigan
30800 Telegraph, Suite 1922
Franklin, MI 48025
Tel: (810) 646-1948
Fax: (810) 646-9332
Florida-Israel Chamber of Commerce
225 South Federal Highway, Second Floor
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441-4129
Tel: (954) 420-5888
Fax: (954) 420-5273
Pacific Basin-Israel Chamber of Commerce
1290-D Maunakea Street, Suite 412
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817-4195
Tel: (808) 596-2448
Fax: (808) 596-7939
Los Angeles
California-Israel Chamber of Commerce
6505 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90046
Tel: (213) 782-8650
Fax: (213) 782-8586
America-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Minnesota, Inc.
13100 Wayzata Blvd. Suite 130
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Tel: (952) 593-8666
Fax: (952) 593-8668
New York
120 West 45 Street, 18th floor
New York, NY 10036
Tel: (212) 819-0430
Fax: (212) 819-0431
Philadelphia-Israel Chamber of Commerce
200 South Broad Street, Suite 700
Philadelphia, PA 19102-3896
Tel: (215) 790-3722/3723
Fax: (215) 790-3600
E-Mail Judy Ron
Arizona-Israel Chamber of Commerce
15111 North Hayden Road, Suite 160-324
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Tel: (602) 951-1846
Fax: (602) 265-0021
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico-Israel Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
Tetuan Street #261
Old San Juan, Puerto Rico
Tel: (787) 725-8080
Fax: (787) 725-8091
St. Louis
America-Israel Chamber of Commerce of St. Louis
1266 Andes Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63132
Tel: (314) 432-0134
Fax: (314) 432-7991
Texas Chambers of Commerce
Texas-Israel Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
5603 S. Braeswood Blvd.
Houston, TX 77096
Tel: 713-729-7000
Fax: 713-721-6232
The American-Israel Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (Washington, D.C.)
1714 N Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Tel: (202) 462-1818
Fax: (202)462-8995
America-Israel Chamber of Commerce of Northeastern Ohio
115 W. Bartges
Akron, OH 44331
Tel: (216) 762-9385
Fax: (216) 762-4832
Connecticut-Israel Exchange Commission
Govenor's office
10 Middle Street, 1st Floor
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Tel: (203) 336-8700
Fax: (203) 366-7611
Florida-Israel Institute
Nancy Quartin Rosen, Associate Director
2912 College Avenue, LA240a
Davie, FL 33314
Tel (954) 236-1056
Fax (954) 236-1059
Maryland-Israel Development Center
217 East Redwood Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
Tel: (410) 767-0681
Fax: (410) 333-4302
U.S./Israel Biotechnology Council
900 17th Street, NW
Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: (202) 833-7077
Fax:(202) 463-6915
New Jersey
New Jersey-Israel Commission
Department of Commerce and Economic Development
20 E. State Street, 4th Floor, CN 820
Trenton, NJ 08625-0820
Tel: (609) 633-8600
Fax: (609) 777-3106
Committee for Economic Growth of Israel
5301 Ironwood Road
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Tel: (414) 961-1000
Fax: (414) 906-7878
In Israel Contact:
Israel-America Chamber of Commerce & Industry Ltd.
35 Shaul Hamelech Blvd.
Tel Aviv 61333
Tel: 6952341
Fax: 6951272
In order to benefit from the provisions of the FTAA, a special "U.S. Certificate of Origin for Exporting to Israel" (CO) must be presented to the Israeli Customs. The certificate does not need to be notarized or stamped by a Chamber of Commerce if the exporter is also the manufacturer. Instead, the exporter should make the following declaration in box 11 of the certificate: "The undersigned hereby declares that he is the producer of the goods covered by this certificate and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for those goods in the U.S.-Israel Free Trade Area Agreement for goods exported to Israel." It is possible for exporters to apply for a blanket CO, or "Approved Exporter" status. An "approved exporter" is only required to present an invoice which substitutes for the CO, and which contains an "approved exporter" number and a declaration that the goods comply with the origin requirements. Certification and notarization are not necessary. U.S. exporters to Israel must follow the standard U.S. Government requirements regarding export control documentation for sensitive U.S. exports. For information on this subject contact the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security, Internet web site:
Other Documentation
The Israeli Customs Services prefer that exporters use their own commercial invoice forms containing all required information including name and address of supplier, general nature of the goods, country of origin of the goods, name and address of the customer in Israel, name of the agent in Israel, terms, rate of exchange (if applicable), Israel import license number (if applicable), shipping information, and a full description of all goods in the shipment including shipping marks, quantity or measure, composition of goods (by percentage if mixed), tariff heading number, gross weight of each package, net weight of each package, total weight of shipment, price per unit as sold, and total value of shipment. The total value of the shipment includes packing, shipping, dock and agency fees, and insurance charges incurred in the exportation of the goods to Israel. The commercial invoice must be signed by the manufacturer, consignor, owner, or authorized agent. U.S. exporters should also double check with their freight forwarder, shipping company or importer to find out if any other documentation, including bill of lading and packing list, is required. It is imperative to have these issues clear before the goods arrive at the Israeli port to avoid any possible delays and storage fees. Goods that have been transshipped through third countries require a Certificate of Non-Manipulation from the customs authority of the third country.
Authorization Procedures for "Approved Exporter" Status
A manufacturer or exporter who wishes to become an "Approved Exporter" should complete a declaratory form and present it to the Export Department, Israel Customs Services, 32 Agron Street, P.O. Box 320, Jerusalem. Potential candidates are U.S. firms with total annual exports to Israel of at least $20 million that have a clean record with the Israel Customs Services. Israel Customs will examine whether the manufacturer or exporter complies with the criteria and grant approval for "Approved Exporter" status. The approved exporter will be given an identity number to be stamped on all invoices. The approval is valid for six months, after which the exporter should receive an automatic extension from Israel Customs. If the exporter does not receive an extension notice he/she must terminate use of the approval.
Compliance Procedures for Approved Exporters
The "Approved Exporter" should stamp the invoice with his/her identity number and add the following declaration: "The undersigned hereby declares that the goods listed in this invoice were prepared in the United States and they comply with the origin requirements specified for those goods in the U.S.-Israel Free Trade Area Agreement for goods exported to Israel." For shipments of mixed goods, separate invoices must be prepared for goods that do not comply with origin requirements and/or for which approval to operate as an "Approved Exporter" has not been granted.