How to Export to Turkey
Turkish documentation procedures require a commercial invoice, a certificate of origin and a bill of lading or airway bill to accompany all commercial shipments. Import licenses and phytosanitary certificates are necessary for food and agricultural commodity imports.
Commercial Invoice: The commercial invoice must be submitted in triplicate, including the original copy; and must contain a complete description of the goods and all required payment terms. The original must be endorsed by the exporter as follows: "We hereby certify that this is the first and original copy of our invoice, the only one issued by our firm for the goods herein mentioned." The Turkish Embassy or Consulate in the United States must certify the document. At least one copy of the invoice should accompany the goods, and the original should be sent to the importer through the correspondent bank.
Certificate of Origin: The certificate of origin is to be prepared in duplicate. No corrections are permitted on this document, which is to be prepared in English by a local chamber of commerce. The certificate of origin must be certified by the Turkish Embassy or Consulate in the United States. One copy of the document must be surrendered to the customs authorities at the time of importation.
Bill of Lading/Airway Bill: Details in the bill of lading should correspond exactly to those given in other shipping documents.
Proforma Invoices: The proforma invoice must not be more than six months old at the time of application. It must contain an unexpired option (if appropriate), indicate freight and insurance charges separately, and bear the importer's name.
