How to Export to United Kindom
The documents required for shipments to UK include:
--commercial invoice
--bill of lading or airway bill (with attached certificate of conformity, if required).
--packing list (attached to airway bill or bill of lading)
--insurance documents, and, if requeired,
--certificates of origin, sanitationitary and psytosanitary certificates, certificate of free sale, certificate of conformity or other specialdocuments.
A copy of the commercial invoice should accompany the shipment to avoid delays in customs clearance. No special form of invoice is required, but all of the details needed to establish the true value of the goods, gross and net wieght and country of origin needs to be provided. At least two additional copies of the invoice should be sent to the importers/consignees to smooth customs clearance.
The Shipper's Export Declaration is required for shipments over $2,500 and for allproducts shipped under an export license.
Sanitary and phyto sanitary certificate, attesting that the goods comply with British regulation, can be issued by U.S. Department of Agriculture
Food porducts with NO ANIMAL CONTENT typically do not require health certificates.
U.S. Food Safety and Inspection Certificate is required for foods with animal content for human consumption (beef, pork, etc. for human consumption.
Diary Products require approval from .S. Agricultural Marketing Service, Dairy Grading Branch, Department of Agriculture, Room 2750, South Building, P.O. Box 96456, Washington, D.C. 20090, (202) 720-3171; fax: (202) 720-2643.
Fruits and vegetables may require certificate of conformity issued by an independent body (e.g. independent lab).
Live animals, embryos, semen, and hatching eggs require certificate issued by APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of U.S. Department of Agriculture), 4700 River Road, Riverdale, Md. 20737, (301) 734-7885; fax: (301) 734-6402 (Veterinary Services) and (301) 734-8537; fax: (3
Fish and shelfish require certificate from U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Office of Seafood, 5100 Paint Branch Parkway, College Park, Md. 20740, (301) 436-1416; fax: (301) 436-2601.
Forest products such as conifers, soft wood, oak, chestnut, poplar, sugar maple, hard maple, planetree, sycamore, and eucalyptusrequre special certificate from APHIS offcie.
Pharmaceuticals require certificate of free sale from U.S. Food and Drug Administration, HFD-310, 7520 Standish Place, Room 166, Rockville, Md. 20855, (301) 594-3150; fax: (301) 594-0165. Note: copy of a product label with list of ingredients must be provided with the request for certificate.
Ttextiles: Certificate of origin is required for certain textile articles. (An additional certificate of origin also may be requested by the importer or letter of credit.) Two copies are usually required. The certificate must be certified by a recognized chamber of commerce or notarized with the county clerk's certificate attached. The chamber of commerce usually requires an additional notarized copy for its files.
Wine import certificate: EU regulations require that a wine import certification document be provided for each wine in each shipment.
Wood packaging need to be in compliance with ISPM-15 standards and require special markings indicating appropriate treatment.
CE mark: Certain products require CE mark that can be self-certified by the manufacturer. EU regulations require that a declaration of conformity be appended to the bill of lading in such cases. A separate declaration is required for each applicable EU directive for which the manufacturer is claiming conformance.