How to Export to Uruguay
Import Regs.: Documentation/Registration
According to Decree No. 333/92 of 16 July 1992, all importers (as well as exporters and all other persons engaged in trade) must be registered in the Single Register of Taxpayers. There are also a large number of registration regulations dealing with particular products (Table III.1). The registration of medicines and related products, raw materials, semi-processed medicines and cosmetics for human use is valid for five years; other registration has no time limit. The import of certain products is subject to registration requirements for sanitary or phytosanitary reasons.
Registration requirements for importers and their products
Product Requirement Registration authority/
issuer Legal basis
Insecticides, acaricides, nematicides, rodenticides, bactericides, fungicides and phytoregulators and products for similar agricultural use Registration of the product; marketing authorization MGAP Decree No. 149 of 5 March 1977
Medicines and similar products, raw materials, semi-processed medicines and cosmetics for human use (including sunscreens classified as cosmetics) Registration of the importer; registration of the bulk product (semi-processed) in the case of medicines and solely finished products in the case of cosmetics; certification of authorization from the country of origin Health Products Department, Department of Medicines and Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Household Hygiene Products in the Ministry of Public Health Decree Law No. 15.443 of 5 July 1983; Decree No. 521 of 22 November 1984; Decree No. 324 of 12 October 1999 (for medicines), and Decree No. 95/90 of 1990 (for cosmetics). The registration of pharmaceuticals registered and manufactured in a producing State Party, similar to products registered in the receiving State within the MERCOSUR framework, is governed by the regulations approved by Resolution No. 23/95 GMC
Medical equipment and therapeutic devices, diagnostic reagents Registration of the importer and the product; authorization from the country of origin Department of Medical Technology in the Ministry of Public Health Decree No. 165 of 8 June 1999
Ophthalmic crystals (or their plastic substitutes), whether or not coloured, for therapeutical or protective use Registration of the importer Department of Medical Technology in the Ministry of Public Health Decree No. 474 of 30 July 1968
Beverages (non-alcoholic beverages, mineral waters and sodas, other non-alcoholic beverages) Registration of the importer and the product Food Regulation Service or Bromatology Service of the relevant municipal authority for beverages with nutritive sweeteners and waters and Food Department of the Ministry of Public Health for beverages with non-nutritive sweeteners and bottled waters Decree No. 184 of 3 June 2004
Household hygiene products Registration of the importer and the product; certificate of authorization from the country of origin Department of Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Household Hygiene Products in the Ministry of Public Health Decree No. 307 of 2 August 2001
Medical equipment emitting ionizing radiation Registration of the importer and the product Department of Technology in the Ministry of Public Health and the DINATEN of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining Decree No. 53/004 of 12 February 2004
Source: WTO
Pursuant to Article 82 of the Uruguayan Customs Code, customs clearance requires the involvement of a customs agent. Customs operations must be requested, declared and authorized by means of a sworn declaration of the goods before the customs (Documento ?nico Aduanero - DUA (Single Customs Declaration)). Using the information supplied by the importer, the customs agent completes the DUA electronic form and the Declaraci€n de Valor en Aduana - DVA (Customs Value Declaration) and sends these to the DNA. After receiving a DUA registration number, the customs agent pays the duties applicable at the BROU (Bank of the Republic), which informs the DNA that they have been paid.
Decree No. 570/994 of 29 December 1994 identifies three inspection channels: red, orange and green. In the green channel, the goods are cleared immediately without any inspection of the documentation or verification of the customs value; in the orange channel, the goods are subject to inspection of the documentation (which includes an examination of the customs value); in the red channel, the goods are subject both to inspection of the documents and to a physical inspection.
The original DUA form must be submitted to the DNA together with the following original documents: final commercial invoice; copy of the bill of lading (maritime, air or road manifest); packing list (where applicable); certificate of origin (where applicable); invoice showing freight and insurance paid (where these are not specified in the terms of delivery for the goods or are not declared in the transport document); as well as any other document, decision, certificate or authorization needed for import (for example, a phytosanitary or animal health certificate) or for eligibility for preferential treatment for tax or non-tax reasons.
The cost of DUA procedures is 0.2 per cent of the c.i.f. value of the imported goods, with a maximum of US$50. According to Article 60 of the Uruguayan Customs Code, the same formalities apply equally to goods subject to taxes or enjoying tax exemption.