Israel Insider
Israel Insider

Israel Insider is an independent, nonpartisan online publication that aims to provide an "inside perspective" on the latest news, analysis and commentary from and about Israel.
Maintained six days a week and updated as news breaks, Israel Insider publishes original articles and information about the people, events and places in the Israeli news, while collecting, organizing and linking to a wide range of external information resources.

Rather than merely chronicling events as they happen, as most news sites do, Israel Insider focuses on creating in-depth, multifaceted information packages on the burning issues of each day, combining insightful articles from multiple sources with high quality interactive maps, graphs, photos and streaming media.

Israel Insider is actively seeking writers who are interested in contributing their thoughts to the publication. In particular, the publication is seeking to assemble a team of domain specialists and commentators who will provide regular columns relating to their areas of expertise.

Israel Insider is published by Koret Communications Ltd., an Internet design and development company based in Tel Aviv, Israel.

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