
National Radio Networks
Arutz 7
Arutz Sheva Israel National Radio is the only independant national radio station.
Galei Zaha
Israel Defense Forces Radio. 20 AM and FM transmitters are in use.
KOL Educational Radio Stations
Several stations broadcasting from a number of schools and colleges throughout Israel. Mostly education, musical and entertainment programming.
KOL Ha Derekh - Voice of the Road (88FM)
Especially for drivers; music and traffic reports, 0600-0105 local time.
KOL HaMusica - Voice of Music
Classical music and drama, 0600-0105 local time.
KOL Radio 4 - Reshet Dalet (Sa'out el Isra'i)
News, music and features in Arabic, 0600-0010 local time.
KOL Radio One - Reshet Alef
General talk programming in Hebrew, 0600-0105 local time.
KOL Radio Two - Reshet Bet
News, current affairs and sport in Hebrew, 24hrs.
KOL REQA - Reshet Qlita v'Aliya
News, music and features in Russian and Amharic with daily news also in French, Spanish, Yiddish, English, Georgian, Bukharian, Moghrabi, Ladino, Hungarian and Romanian, 0700-2200.
KOL Reshet Gimel (Channel C)
Israeli popular music, 0600-0105 local time.

Local Radio Stations
Israel: Local Radio Frequencies

Radio Stations on the Web
Israel: Listing of Radio Stations On The Web

Shortwave Broadcasters
KOL Reshet Hei (Israel Radio International)
Broadcasting in over a dozen languages.

Amateur Radio
IARC - Israel Amateur Radio Club

Radio Shows
Israel Radio International
Information on Israeli broadcasting.

Additional Radio Resources
iGuide : Entertainment : Radio

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