Italy Law - Library of Congress
Italian Republic / Repubblica Italiana


* La Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana (Senato / Senate) in Italian
* International Constitutional Law: Italy (Universitât Bern Institut f?r ˜ffentliches Recht) offers English translation and background notes
* Constitution Finder: Italy (University of Richmond T.C. Williams School of Law) in English, Italian, and Spanish


* President
* Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
* Ministero dell'Interno [Ministry of the Interior]
* Ministero della Giustizia [Ministry of Justice]


* Corte Costituzionale - See Decisions


* OFFICIAL GAZETTE: Gazzetta Ufficiale
* PARLIAMENT: Parlamento Italiano composed of the Camera dei Deputati and Senato delle Repubblica; La Buvette - Electronic journal of parliament; in Italian
* Leggi Regionali (Ancitel) regional laws in Italian
* NATLEX: Italy (International Labour Organisation) database of national laws on labor, social security and related human rights
* E-Transaction Law Resources: Italy (Baker & McKenzie)
* Natural Resources Legislation: Italy (University of Denver College of Law)


* GUIDE: Multinational Reference (Law Library of Congress)
* Multinational Collections Database: Italy (Law Library of Congress) provides bibliographic information on materials in our reference collection
* FindLaw: Italy
* ForIntLaw: Italy (Washburn University Law Library)
* Guide to Foreign and International Legal Databases: Italy (New York University Law Library)
* Guide to Italian Legal Research and Resources on the Web (Elio Fameli and Fiorenza Socci, via GlobaLex) June 2006
* Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dellÌInformazione Giuridica
* Italian National and Regional Legislative Resources Online (Maria Teresa Leonardi, via LLRX)
* Judicial Assistance: Italy (U.S. Dept. of State)
* JURIST: Italy (University of Pittsburgh School of Law)
* Law Libraries in Italy (Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dellÌInformazione Giuridica)
* Update to Overview of the Sources of Italian Law (Raffaele Ladu, via LLRX) March 19, 2001
* World Legal Information Institute: Italy (WorldLII)
* World Legal Materials from Europe: Italy (Cornell Legal Information Institute)


* Portals to the World: Italy (Library of Congress)
* Background Notes: Italy (U.S. Dept. of State)
* Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments: Italy (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency)
* Consular Information Sheet: Italy, Holy See, and San Marino (U.S. Dept. of State)
* Country Information: Italy (U.S. Dept. of State)
* Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade Practices, 1993-2001 (U.S. Dept. of State) see reports listed under Europe / Independent States
* Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Italy (U.S. Dept. of State)
* Economic Briefing: Italy (The Economist)
* Embassy of Italy, Washington
* Governments on the WWW: Italy (Gunnar Anzinger)
* Human Rights in Italy (Amnesty International)
* International Religious Freedom Annual Reports: Italy (U.S. Dept. of State)
* NATIONAL LIBRARY: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Di Firenze [National Central Library of Florence] and Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Di Roma [Central National Central Library of Rome]
* NEWS: La Repubblica
* U.S. Embassy, Rome (U.S. Dept. of State)
* World Factbook: Italy (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency)
* WWW DIRECTORIES / PORTALS: Italy (Google); Italy (Yahoo); WWW-VL West European Studies (University of Pittsburgh)
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