Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)
Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)
JTA is the definitive, trusted global source of breaking news, investigative reporting, in-depth analysis, opinion and features on current events and issues of interest to the Jewish people. An unaffiliated not-for-profit organization, we pride ourselves on our independence and integrity.
With correspondents in New York, Washington, Jerusalem, Moscow and dozens of other cities around the globe, JTA is able to provide in-depth coverage of political, economic and social developments affecting Jews in North and South America, Israel, Europe, Africa and Australia. JTA reporting also shines a spotlight on the cultural happenings, influential thinkers and leaders, and milestone events that are defining the Jewish experience today.

JTA is driven by the belief that knowledge is power, and that only by being better informed can the Jewish community be better connected.

Readers can access JTA reporting directly through a number of products in addition to this highly-trafficked Web site. JTA also serves as an international news, feature and photo service for over 100 Jewish publications and Web sites worldwide that depend on JTA for Jewish news outside of their local community.

Throughout its 90-year history, JTA has earned its reputation for journalistic integrity, outstanding reporting and insightful analysis. Over the years, the Jewish community has come to rely on JTA as the single most credible source of news and analysis available about events and issues of Jewish interest anywhere in the world.

Headquartered in New York, JTA is a not-for-profit corporation governed by an independent Board of Directors. It has no allegiance to any specific branch of Judaism or political viewpoint. We receive funding from a diverse array of sources.

Here's how to support JTA.
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