Living in Peru
Living in Peru
About us
Living in Peru is part of the Peru Experience family, a company whose goal is to promote Peru and its culture, art, music, food, natural resources, trips, destinations etc. all over the world.

Living in Peru is a "Guide for foreigners living in Peru" and others who are looking for useful information to make their time in Peru more pleasant.

If there's something you'd like to share with fellow foreigners here in Peru, you are most welcome to e-mail us or contact:

The Living in Peru team:

Carsten Korch: Chief Editor / General Manager / Sales and Public Relations
Israel Ruiz : Editor
Virginia Velasco OrdoƱez : Editor
Jobana Soto : Assistant Editor - Features
Cristina Espejo: Assistant Editor - Entertainment
Vanessa Castro: Assistant Editor
David Kraatz: Forum Moderator
Julio Rojas: Accounting
Eduardo Rivera: Graphic Designer
Gustavo Centeno: Webmaster
Hans Hilburg: International Bartender
Melanie Bayly: Gastronomy
Felix Picasso: Master Chef
Kenneth Bengtsson: Business Advisor
Larry Pitman: Contributing Editor
Ben Jonjak: Contributing Editor
Thanks to all of you!

Living in Peru's mission is to provide people who plan to travel or move to Peru with all the information they need to make the right decisions before they depart, and while they're here. We aim to create ambassadors for Peru; people who will spread the good word about Peru's many virtues, and urge their friends and family to visit this beautiful country.
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