MTC Uzbekistan
In August 1991 under the initiative of the Ministry of Communications and due to support of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan , Uzbek-American "Uzdunrobita" JV was founded for granting services of cellular communications. This was the first mobile operator not only in our republic, but in the Central Asian region. The Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan has acted as the founder of the "Uzdunrobita" from Uzbek side.
Organization structure of the "Uzdunrobita"
The company consists of Head division (located in Tashkent city) and 20 branches and divisions located in regional and administrative centers of the Republic. The network of rental offices of our company is located in the most prestigious hotels of Tashkent . Besides, "Uzdunrobita" has created and developed a network of points on reception of payments for communication services and network of dealer offices on sale of the cellular equipment within the territory of the Republic. On March 3, 2002 the "Uzdunrobita" has received the License on granting services of mobile communication in GSM 900/1800 standard. And at once company has signed the contracts on setting up a new network of mobile communication in the standard GSM-900/1800 in Uzbekistan with Swedish company ERICSSON and Chinese HUAWEI TECH.INVESTMENT Co. The GSM 1800 standard is most effective at operation in megalopolises, whereas GSM 900 more effectively covers regions sparsely populated but occupied large area. The city of Tashkent with adjoining areas, where more than 2,5 million people live, is considered as megalopolis. Therefore the decision was made to develop in Tashkent GSM 1800 standard, and in areas, where density of the population is less - GSM 900 standard. The GSM standard has appeared 10 years later and has absorbed many latest scientific and technical achievements. It is connected not only with future ideology, successful practical development and commercial production, but also with developing integration and globalization of networks of telecommunication growing effect of electronic information on rise of economy, science and culture.

As it was spoken above, in this standard a system of automatic international roaming was laid from the very beginning. On November 1, 2002 free of charge connection to the "Uzdunrobita GSM " network in the cities of Tashkent and Samarkand was introduced. That fact come true what everybody waited for so long. It was connected about 8000 new subscribers during the first month of work of the new network. During the same month the equipment of the new network in the cities Kattakurgan and Urgut was launched. The "Uzdunrobita GSM " network has already began to work in Urgench, Nukus, Khiva, Chirchik as well as in zones of rest Charvak, Chimgan, Beldersay. The company was included in the GSM International Association, at which meeting our representatives were present, and in the GSM-RUSSIA - Association of the Operators of Russia. The second large event of the GSM network became start-up of the Short Messages Service (SMS) and Voice Mail (VMS).

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