Merpati Nusantara Airlines
Merpati At A Glance

Merpati Nusantara Airlines was born by the motherland and has grown up among the difference of cultures and language atmospheres which Merpati has been challenged to obtain its maturity. It has improved from year to year. Merpati always sends its best service through nations as the good image building for national aviation. A national leading airlines company is the commitment of achievement. The pole has been planted and the flag has been displayed. Merpati continues to take off through global era to share the value of nation.

This, however, requires efforts and strategies. The restriction program is the answer. These programs cover the increase of profits, efficiencies and effectiveness, human resources development and sustainable sense of competitiveness. This is a dedication of the people to go around their beloved country.

Enjoy the flight with New Merpati era and taste its difference!

Sekilas Merpati

Merpati Nusantara Airlines merupakan karya bangsa yang dibesarkan dalam lingkungan budaya dan bahasa yang beraneka ragam. Semuanya menjadi tempaan bagi Merpati untuk tumbuh semakin dewasa. Sejak berdirinya hingga kini, Merpati selalu berusaha berbenah diri dan memberikan yang terbaik bagi bangsa dan negara, sekaligus membangun citra dunia penerbangan di Tanah Air. Komitmen untuk selalu menjadi yang terdepan dalam jajaran maskapai penerbangan nasional bukanlah angan-angan belaka. Tonggak telah dipancangkan, dan bendera sudah dikibarkan. Dengan tetap menjunjung tinggi identitas bangsa, Merpati melaju di era yang kini semakin terbuka.

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