Ministry of Education Denmark
The Danish Approach to Quality
ÓThe Danish Approach to Quality in Vocational Education and TrainingÓ (Second edition) focuses on the Danish approach to quality assurance and development. The publication deals with quality assurance in both initial vocational education and training (IVET) and continuing vocational education and training (CVET).
New fact sheets
Short, concise descriptions of the various branches of the Danish education system. Handy print versions.
Trends in the use of computers in Danish primary and lower secondary schools (pdf)
Use of IT is not a separate course in primary and lower secondary education (K9). On the contrary the act states that the use of IT must be integrated in every course and study program where-ever relevant. ÓThe use of IT is not a goal, it is a tool to encourage and support learningÓ says Danish Minister of Education Bertel Haarder.
Knowledge sharing in Danish Schools (pdf)
Read the newly realeased report which presents the results of a survey of educational and organisational use of knowledge-sharing systems in Danish primary and lower secondary schools. Read the executive summary (pdf).
Denmark and China Sign Two Extensive Agreements on Cooperation and Education
More Danish students get the opportunity to study in China, and more Chinese students will go to Denmark. Denmark and China will also cooperate on training in a variety of fields, ranging from nurses to university students up to Ph.D. level, exchanging teachers, students and workshops.
Retention in Vocational Education in Denmark
If Denmark is to meet the challenges of globalization, vocational education programmes must be attractive to and include growing numbers of youth with varied backgrounds and qualifications. Effective efforts to reduce drop-out rates and increase student retention are crucial to the success of VET programmes.
It becomes more and more entertaining!
Improving vocational education programmes with IT differentiated instruction, actual competence, IT strategy.
7-point grading scale
Read about the new grading scale which will be used throughout the Danish education system.
Capacity Building in Higher Education and Research on a Global Scale
This publication is the result of the international workshop held in Copenhagen in May 2005 entitled ÏHow Can Manpower Needs in Knowledge Based Economies be Satisfied in a Balanced Way?Ó
A Culture of Evaluation
The Minister for Education, Mr Bertel Haarder, addresses the subject of evaluation in schools.
Folder on the Danish Education System (pdf)
CIRIUS has published a new folder - The Danish Education System. CIRIUS is an agency within the Ministry of Education that aims to support and promote internationalisation of the Danish education system. The new folder provides an overview of the Danish education system; from primary and lower secondary education to higher education and adult education and training. Issues such as career guidance, quality assurance and internationalisation are also covered in the folder.
Facts and Figures 2005
A presentation of general key figures about education in Denmark.
The Danish Approach to Quality
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Education System
Video: Life Long Learning
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Recognition of foreign qualifications
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Fact Sheets