Mongolia Today
Mongolia Today
Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading our online cultural e-zine. We hope that you found it interesting and useful enough to recommend it to your friends, colleagues and associates.

And if you still have questions about all things Mongolian we would be happy to answers as we can.

Also we would appreciate your advise and recommendations on how to improve the content of the online e-zine. Write us if you came across something interesting, bizarre, exotic in Mongolia .

We are two Mongolian journalists dedicated to the preservation of the centuries old unique culture of Mongol nomads.

14 years ago our magazine, Mongolia , published in English by the Montsame National News agency was closed due to funding problems. However, the arrival of Internet to Mongolia in 1996 gave us a chance to revive the publication, this time online.

Welcome your questions, comments and suggestions.

L.Badamkhand, Editor-in-chief (female)

B.Lutaa, Editor, (male, 40)

Our address:
Tel: 976-11-312919 office; 976-99113306 mobile

Postal address:
P.O.Box 204
Ulaanbaatar 210349

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