Muslim Uzbekistan
Muslim Uzbekistan
Nowadays, Uzbekistan is known to the world as a country with the biggest Muslim population in Central Asia. Before its existence as Uzbekistan, it was the land of Muslims from all over the world and will remain that, insha Allah. Today Muslims have to work very hard so that this dream will come true because this land where the people have always followed the Shariiah and based their lives, traditions, customs on the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) is witnessing the tragedy; the new Uzbek government of ex-communists are persecuting Muslims and the people of almost all religions everywhere.
The people are simply deprived of their citizen rights and freedoms to practice Islam; for religious reasons, the fathers and brothers are put in jail, mothers and sisters are blackmailed against their families, the children are harassed in schools by the authorities. Famous Islamic scholars, the members of the intelligentsia, and the opposition party leaders are abducted, jailed, and executed systematically. The last time the people saw such a tragedy was under the rule of the dictator Stalin.
This site contains the latest social and political developments in Uzbekistan and Central Asia, and their analysis, the facts about human rights violations and crimes that are committed against Muslims in the region. It seeks to express the dreams and aspirations of the people who live under the dictatorship of the President Karimov. It succeeds in disclosing all the dodges of the enemies of God and challenges the people to fight against the tyranny. Most of all, it educates the people on the Islamic knowledge and tries to satisfy their spiritual needs.
