About Us is the source of online news, features and commentary from the Information Services Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It is produced and maintained by a team of seasoned editors and writers within the Information Services Department.
This site aims to enhance ties between Government and business, industry, academia and the community at large while presenting news and information in a dynamic multimedia format.
The team strives to post stories and background information on breaking news from the Government in a timely fashion. We aim to update stories whenever new information becomes available. We also provide background and related information through feature stories, photo galleries, videos and links.
While we do our best to ensure the information is complete and correct, the Information Services Department does not accept any liability for errors or omissions. ISD disclaims all warranties, express or implied, and it will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential loss of business profits or special damages. We encourage visitors to verify the authenticity of information or seek independent advice before relying upon it.
We have included hyperlinks to other Web sites for convenient cross-referencing. The Information Services Department has no control over the content of these sites, and has not approved or endorsed their contents.
The simplified Chinese characters on this website are translated from the original text in traditional Chinese characters. If any discrepancy arises, the original traditional Chinese pages should be treated as the official version. Some traditional Chinese stories have been translated from English. In these cases, the corresponding English text shall be deemed the official version. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is not responsible for any loss or liability due to errors arising from the translations.
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The team is located in Room 805, Murray Building, Central. We welcome your comments and suggestions on the design and content of the site. Let us know what you like about it or how you think we can make it better.
We are also happy to forward your thoughts on Government policy matters and current issues to the relevant bureaux and departments.
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