Someone once said that the journey is as important as the destinationÒwe couldn't agree more. That's why we're striving to bring you a personalised, unique experience to transatlantic travel.
As a wholly owned subsidiary of British Airways, we're the direct result of the ground-breaking agreement that liberalises aviation between the United States and European Union. In March of 2008, the usual regulatory barriers were eliminated, "opening the skies" for us to fly from the EU to the US.
Hence our name: OpenSkies.
Learning from the best
We're working to be the best little airline we can be. And since we're part of the British Airways family, we're able to benefit from a relationship with one of the world's largest and most esteemed airlines to create a totally new, premium airline. By the end of 2009, we plan to be operating six proven, fuel-efficient Boeing 757 aircraft, providing non-stop flights from Continental European cities such as Paris, Brussels, Milan, Frankfurt and Amsterdam to New York. And we've redesigned the interior, reducing the standard 180 seat configuration to 82 passengers per flight. So no matter which class you flyÒBiz, Prem+, or EconomyÒwe're working to ensure that comfort and premium service are part of the experience.
Every seat exceptional
Premium service, world-class meal selections, personal entertainment system, and even delicious wines poured from a proper bottle - no matter where you sit.
