Palestinian Flag flagsoftheworld
The Palestine Flag has three horizontal bands of color and a red arrow on the hoist side of the flag. The national flag of Palestine has the black colored stripe on the top, and then comes the white, followed by the green stripe. The current Palestinian flag was officially effective from 1964 and in 1988 the same flag was declared as the flag of Î State of Palestine '. The original designer of the national flag Palestine is Sharif Hussein. The entire Palestinian populations, which mostly compose of the Arabs is represented by the national flag of Palestine.

Official Name: Palestinian National Authority

Capital: Gaza

Location: Palestine border extends from Rafah in the south till Taba and the Gulf of al-Aqaba in the north.

Area: 27,000 sq. km.

Official Languages: English, Hebrew and Arabic

National Flag: The flag has three horizontal bands of color and a red arrow on the hoist side of the flag.

Flag Ratio: 1:2

National Anthem: Biladi
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