Peruvian Graffiti
Peruvian Graffiti
This site has been online since 1996, though I've had this domain name since mid-2000. Believe me, you don't want to see that old site. I see the Internet and the World Wide Web as an amazing instrument and medium for communication and creativity, not to mention a way of making a living. With my background as a writer, editor and researcher, my bias is towards content and ease of use, rather than striking graphics and other bells and whistles. Since I cut my teeth on web development with this site, I have credited some software and online resources that helped me do it on a special page. More information about my approach to web design and my tool set, go to Backdoor Tech's Web Tools.
When I started out, this website was a kind of catch-all for my web activities. It displayed my professional résumé, and advertized my services. It had content areas about my interest in computers and the Internet. It was a test bed for new techniques and designs. Last year, I moved all technological and Internet content over to I also set up a specialized weblog and resource site that deals with my interest in yoga, meditation and related matters. It's called Prana Journal.
I have started a small consulting firm, g c i 275 Studio that provides design and content services on the Internet. I have a limited amount of time available, but I am always open to challenges and opportunities. I also have a second website, Backdoor Tech, where I deal with Internet and computer technology, my new professional realm.
Support this site: to help cover hosting costs and other expenses, I have started accepting advertising on this site. The web site is currently hosted by El Sol Spanish Language school. I also appreciate your support when you click on the Google Adsense ads in the left hand panel. In additionl, I have opened an associate account with -- any time you purchase an item at Amazon after coming from this site, you will earn me a commission. I would be glad to consider other offerings.
Privacy: I use the search facility to index the content of this site. Because you are actually taken to the site to see the results, I am including their privacy statement too. I used to use WebTrendsLive, but discontinued the service.
Copyright:I have decide to cover my copyright by applying Creative Commons Deed. My material may be copied, distributed, displayed, and performed and in return the licensees must give me credit. It may not be used for commercial purposes except by my explicit permission.
Outside Services: The site is evolving as I learn to work the Web better. I have added a weblog, thanks to Blogger.
I am using server side includes to simplify site management. I have incorporated Cascading Style Sheets, getting rid of tables as a layout cheat. Some web browsers that don't toe the line of W3C standards (i.e., Netscape Navigator 3 and 4 and Internet Explorer in all its versions, including 6) will not see the site in all its glory, but it should degrade gracefully.
This site is hosted by Interland.