Rumbos Del Peru
Rumbos Del Peru
The Eco-Cultural Group. Peruvian consortium created to work in areas related to eco-tourism, environment preservation, protection of natural areas, diffusion of our natural and cultural heritage, environment education, investigations and projects applied on the environment protection, eco-social development, rational and auto-sustainable usage of natural resources, and their complete diffusion in order to channel the efforts aimed at the promotion of Peru. For that purpose, they have the following areas:
RUMBOS de Sol & Piedra Magazine. It is a pioneer publication in Peru, dedicated to the investigation and diffusion of the natural and cultural heritage of Peru, from an eco-environment view. It was founded in 1996 and since then publishes periodically large reportages concerning eco-tourism, adventure and life experience tourism, environment, culture, and sustainable growth with lots of independence, journalism quality, large graphics displays, characteristic diagramming and excellent edition. Such features have rendered the prestige to this magazine of being one of the most influential publications within the matters they work.
Rumbos Travel. It is a tourist operator offering programs specialized on eco-tourism, adventure tourism and life experience tourism, which comply with the purpose to foster the ecological conscious through natural environment care and respect to traditions and costumes of villages and cultures in the territory. It carries out activities related to adventure tourism, rural tourism and eco-tourism, efficiently directed in order to meet the aimed objectives. It continues creating spaces to interact with the environment by supporting the local sustainable growth and the population well being.
Yacuñahui NGO. The activities of the Eco Cultural Group are sensitive to the need of executing important financial investments at lost fund for attending diverse basic problems which, otherwise, may not be attended. The Yacuñahui NGO meets this objective when implementing development projects dedicated to promote the strengthening and consolidation of basic organizations and local actors, through strategies of participative planning, planning of programs and/or projects at the level of geographic units or micro-basins of the country; as well as environment assessments and risk analysis of works, programs and/or projects, with the participation of basic organizations and local institutions, the proper usage of natural resources, actions of environment training aimed at the rational and sustainable usage of natural resources and environment, impacts and/or effects assessments reached through the execution of programs and/or projects at domestic level.
Likewise, the design, development and execution of projects, studies and ecological, anthropological and ethnologic programs, sustainable tourism, environment education, cultural promotion, promotion of the renewable energy usage, design, development and graphic, radial, audiovisual and informatics execution of activities related to the main objectives of the Eco Cultural Group, design, promotion and events execution, promotion of the cultural, tourist, gastronomic and artistic exchange among national and international institutions and individuals. The execution, production and broadcasting of graphic, radial, television, audiovisual and publications in general, and informatics concerning natural, historic, artistic, tourist, ethnic, multi-cultural, scientific, technologic and human values of Peru and the world; the singing, the theater, dancing, painting, sculpting, the literature, cinema and other life manifestations of the spirit; the promotion of the civil society commitment for the preservation of the biodiversity and cultural heritage of Peru, especially through the knowledge and promotion of its Protected Natural Areas.
Rumbos Consultants. Through this area it is channeled the necessity to carry out consultant works of first level concerning diverse aspects of eco-tourism development, environment preservation, environment education, preservation, multicultural promotion, rational and appropriate usage of natural resources and environment, participative planning with populations involved, integral sustainable growth of local communities, environment and press broadcasting through a selected and experienced group of professionals who offer their services therein.
Rumbos Web site. Interactive surfing window designed with a modern system of digital contents management, aimed at diffuse subjects related to the environment, culture, tourism at its varied aspects, gastronomy, expeditions and the contents presentation of Rumbos de sol & piedra magazine. It is also useful as a guide of the main places to visit in Peru and the best ways. Its contents are of easy access, according to the reader's necessities, who has the possibility to interact with the page constantly. It is published in Spanish, English and German.
Updated Rumbos. Virtual news release designed to broadcast weekly information concerning the last events in Peru and also in the international context, especially when referring to environment, eco-tourism and cultural matters. The news release is submitted directly and in a customize manner to the e-mails of the subscribed readers, and it is available at Rumbos web site (www.
Updated Tourism. Bulletin specialized on eco-tourist offers, allowing the diffusion of events, tourist packages, promotions, trips, expeditions, adventures, and more activities related to tourism carried out in Peru and other countries. It is also useful as a mean to promote the activities of Rumbos Travel