Sea Breeze
Sea Breeze
About Us

Who We Are
Sea Breeze Journal of Contemporary Liberian Writings is a peer-review electronic journal devoted to publishing art, creative non-fiction, short fiction narratives, cultural stories, poetry, interviews, book reviews, criticism, theory, and social and political commentary by Liberians arising out of Liberian life wherever we are. The journal was named to honor and remember the almost forgotten Sea Breeze Folk Songs of Liberia.

Sea Breeze Journal of Contemporary Liberian Writings was founded in 2004, published quarterly through 2006, and became a biannual publication in 2007.

The journal is published in May and November. We welcome submissions from guest writers and visual artists.

The journal aims to provide a forum for and stimulate an appreciation for contemporary Liberian arts and letters; the Liberian personality; indigenous Liberian thought; Liberian English; social justice; progressive politics; gender equality; African identities; African Diasporan identities; environmental sustainability; and ethnic, class and cultural diversity.

The journal maintains a commitment to publishing writings and art of social, literary and cultural integrity in language and thought: committed to the idea of inspired renewal, even as the sea herself seeks continual, creative regeneration.

Our future plans encompass:
funding folklore research in Liberia

helping struggling writers and artists in Liberia with basic materials

printing a limited number of anniversary issues of the journal to reach those who do not have Internet access

hosting writing workshops, retreats, and conferences in Liberia and the Diaspora

sponsoring a creative writers book discussion group in Liberia and providing them with books

helping to establish a library in Liberia

publishing print anthologies of Liberian writings
sponsoring an annual contest for short fiction and poetry
We invite and cherish the support and investment of readers, friends and patrons toward achieving these endeavors. Please visit our donations page for how you can support us.

The journal will operate as an incorporated 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization with an editorial board by a modified consensus decision-making process.

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