About SevenTimes.Ro
SevenTimes.Ro is an independent source of information in English about Transylvania.

This Website was launched in January 2007, shortly after the date Romania -- and with it Transylvania too -- joined the European Union.

SevenTimes.Ro takes as primary mission to provide the English-speaking community living in Transylvania with accurate, balanced, and up-to-date information about the life, business, and politics of this part of Romania.

This website has also been created for anyone interested in learning more about contemporary Transylvania.

SevenTimes.Ro is not affiliated to any political party, organisation, or institution.

Why 'Seven Times'?
Because seven is the number of ancient Transylvanian cities.

Because seven is a magic number.

Because seven times is cool.

Regular contributors
(in alphabetical order)

Marius Benta (Chief editor; Politics)
Carmen Fizesan (Business, Economy, Sport, Law)
Paula Mahalean (Cinema)
Teodora Pacurar (Entertainment, Education, Community)
If your name is not on the list, and you do have some spare time to volunteer for Transylvania, then you are very welcome to join the club. Just write an e-mail to e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Right now, we are particularly seeking more people able to provide news related to the Hungarian community living in Transylvania.

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