Sierre Leone Law - Library of Congress
Sierra Leone
Republic of Sierra Leone


* National Constitution of Sierra Leone, 1991 (Act No. 6 of 1991) (State House Website) includes schedules; in English
* International Constitutional Law: Sierra Leone (Universitât Bern Institut f?r ˜ffentliches Recht) includes a brief summary and a mention of the 1991 Constitution


* Sierra Leone Documents (Sierra Leone Web) includes peace agreements, the Truth and Reconciliation Act of 22 February 2000, speeches, historical documents, links to UN Resolutions and Missions Reports, U.S. Congressional testimony, and UNDP documents.
* Peace Agreement Between the Government of Sierra Leone and the Revolutionary United Front of Sierra Leone (U.S. Institute of Peace)


* COURTS: Supreme Court


* OFFICIAL GAZETTE: Sierra Leone Gazette
* PARLIAMENT: House of Representatives
* NATLEX - Sierra Leone (International Labour Organisation) database of national laws on labor, social security and related human rights


* GUIDE: Multinational Reference (Law Library of Congress)
* Multinational Collections Database: Sierra Leone (Law Library of Congress) provides bibliographic information on materials in our reference collection
* JURIST: Sierra Leone (University of Pittsburgh School of Law)
* Sierra Leone Legal System and Legal Research (Hanatu Kabbah via GlobaLex) November 2006
* Sources of Online Legal Information for African Countries (Jane Williams, via GlobaLex) June 2006
* World Legal Materials from Africa: Sierra Leone (Cornell Legal Information Institute)


* Portals to the World: Sierra Leone (Library of Congress)
* Background Notes: Sierra Leone (U.S. Dept. of State)
* Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments: Sierra Leone (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency)
* Consular Information Sheet: Sierra Leone (U.S. Dept. of State)
* Country Information: Sierra Leone (U.S. Dept. of State)
* Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Sierra Leone (U.S. Dept. of State)
* Governments on the WWW: Sierra Leone (Gunnar Anzinger)
* Human Rights in Sierra Leone (Amnesty International)
* International Religious Freedom Annual Reports: Sierra Leone (U.S. Dept. of State)
* NEWS: Africa News Sites: Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone Web); BBC World Service for Africa; CNN African News; Sierra Leone News (Sierra Leone Web)
* U.S. Embassy, Freetown (U.S. Dept. of State)
* World Factbook: Sierra Leone (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency)
* World Hunger: Sierra Leone (World Food Programme)
* WWW DIRECTORIES / PORTALS: Sierra Leone (Google); Sierra Leone (Yahoo); WWW-VL African Studies: Sierra Leone (Columbia University)
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