Spring Mobile Sweden
Spring Mobil. The company's own GSM network.
Many companiesÌ current telephone solutions are as complex and outdated as the tangle of wires beneath our desks. Spring Mobil offers a smarter solution. A company GSM network making internal and external communication simpler, more efficient, and cheaper. You can free up resources, become a more flexible company, and get closer to each other and to your customers.

Dedicated GSM networks are simple
Now you can avoid a plethora of fixed, portable, and mobile telephones. There•s no need for installing telephone wires and jacks, making it simple to change workstation layouts within the office. And if the office moves, you just move your access point.

One phone per staff member (ordinary GSM phone)
One phone number
One voicemail box and phone book to maintain
Wide range of smart services (switchboard functions, group SMS, voicemail box)

Dedicated GSM networks are efficient
With a dedicated GSM network, you can stop wasting time on locating each other. Instead, you get closer to each other and to your customers.

Attendants, staff, and customers can always reach you on the same number
You can get a hold of your colleagues more easily
You have full freedom of movement within and outside of the office, using the same phone
Flexible administration and cost follow-up through a self-service web.

Dedicated GSM networks are cheap
As well as savings on telephones, phone wires, and administration, a dedicated GSM network means that you always call at the most advantageous tariff. When in the office, calls are the same price as fixed telephony, putting an end to costly mobile conversations from the office.

For more information please write to: info@springmobil.se

Spring Mobil
Box 540 64
S-104 30 Stockholm

Telephone +46 8 674 50 00
Fax +46 8 674 50 99
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